Getting Started with 5G Toolkit
This is first quick and simple tutorial for getting newbies started with 5G Toolkit. The tutorial is organized as follows:
Import Python Librariers
This tutorial will simulation the following setup
Import Python Libraries
import toolkit5G as tk
2023-07-29 19:08:21.651000: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
2023-07-29 19:08:21.779554: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-07-29 19:08:22.478801: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
import numpy as np
# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Import 5G Toolkit Libraries
import sys
from toolkit5G.CRC import CRCEncoder
from toolkit5G.CRC import CRCDecoder
from toolkit5G.SymbolMapping import Mapper
from toolkit5G.SymbolMapping import Demapper
from toolkit5G.ChannelProcessing import AddNoise
# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
Create Objects
CRC Encoder: toolkit5G.CRC.CRCEncoder
CRC Decoder: toolkit5G.CRC.CRCDecoder
QAM Mapper: toolkit5G.SymbolMapping.Mapper
QAM Demapper:toolkit5G.SymbolMapping.Demapper
AWGN Channel:toolkit5G.ChannelProcessing.AddNoise
num_bits_per_symbol = 4
demapping_method = "app"
crcEncoder = CRCEncoder(crcType="CRC24C") # Create object of CRC Encoder
crcDecoder = CRCDecoder("CRC24C") # Create object of CRC Decoder
qamMapper = Mapper("qam",num_bits_per_symbol) # Create Mapper Object
qamDemapper = Demapper(demapping_method = "app",
num_bits_per_symbol = num_bits_per_symbol,
hard_out = True) # Create Demapper Object
awgn = AddNoise()
Payload Bits Generation and Encoding
The payload bits are segregated into blocks where each block has a certain number of bits.
numBlocks = 100
nBitsPerBlock = 384
bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, size = (numBlocks,nBitsPerBlock)) # Bits to be Encoded
crcBits = crcEncoder(bits)
Symbol Mapper
Maps the bits to symbols
The order of mapping (modulation order) is set on to the object itself.
symbols = qamMapper(crcBits)
AWGN Channel
Pass the symbols to be passed through the noisy channel.
Control the amount of noise to be added.
snr = 100
rxsymbols = awgn(symbols, (1/snr))
Demapping the Symbols
Demaps the bits to symbols
The order of mapping (modulation order) is set on to the object itself.
bitsEst = qamDemapper([np.complex64(rxsymbols), 1/snr])
CRC Decoder: Error Detection
Remove the CRC bits
Compute CRC check: Wheather all the bits in a blocks are correct or not.
rBits, checks = crcDecoder(bitsEst)
BER and Block Error Computation
Compute the
block error rate: \(\frac{\text{blocks in Error}}{\text{Total number of blocks}}\)
bit error rate: \(\frac{\text{bits in Error}}{\text{Total number of bits}}\)
ber = np.mean(np.abs(bits-rBits))
bler= 1-np.mean(checks)
print(" Bit error rate = "+str(ber))
print("Block error rate = "+str(bler))
Bit error rate = 0.0
Block error rate = 0.0
Constellation Diagram
Compare the constellation of the transmitted and received (noisy) symbols.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scatter(np.real(rxsymbols), np.imag(rxsymbols), color = "red", marker=".", s=2, label="Received Symbols")
ax.scatter(np.real(symbols), np.imag(symbols), color = "blue", label="Transmitted Symbols")
ax.set_xlabel("Real part $\mathfrak{R} \{x\}$")
ax.set_ylabel("Imaginary part $\mathfrak{I} \{x\}$")
ax.set_title("Contellation Diagram for 16-QAM symbols")
plt.savefig("Constellation.svg", dpi=9600, transparent=True, format="svg")

Link Level Simulation
Key performance parameters:
Block error rate
Bit error rate.
Parameters of simulations:
x-label: Signal to noise ratio (SNR)
y-label: BER/BLER
Variables: Modulation order
4: 16-QAM
6: 64-QAM
Simulation Setup
crcEncoder = CRCEncoder(crcType="CRC24C") # Create object of CRC Encoder
crcDecoder = CRCDecoder("CRC24C") # Create object of CRC Decoder
awgn = AddNoise()
SNRdB = np.linspace(0,25,10)
SNR = 10**(SNRdB/10)
modOrder = np.array([2,4,6], dtype=np.int32)
ber = np.zeros((modOrder.size, SNR.size))
bler = np.zeros((modOrder.size, SNR.size))
numBlocks = 10000
nBitsPerBlock = 384
i = 0
j = 0
for m in modOrder:
qamMapper = Mapper("qam",int(m)) # Create Mapper Object
qamDemapper = Demapper(demapping_method = "app",
num_bits_per_symbol = int(m),
hard_out = True) # Create Demapper Object
bits = np.random.randint(0, 2, size = (numBlocks,nBitsPerBlock)) # Bits to be Encoded
crcBits = crcEncoder(bits)
symbols = qamMapper(crcBits)
j = 0
for snr in SNR:
rxsymbols = awgn(symbols, (1/snr))
bitsEst = qamDemapper([np.complex64(rxsymbols), np.float32(1/snr)])
rBits, checks = crcDecoder(bitsEst)
ber[i,j] = np.mean(np.abs(bits-rBits))
bler[i,j] = 1-np.mean(checks)
print("For modOrder = "+str(m)+" | snr = "+str(snr)+" Bit error rate = "+str(ber[i,j]))
print("For modOrder = "+str(m)+" | snr = "+str(snr)+"Block error rate = "+str(bler[i,j]))
j = j + 1
i = i + 1
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 1.0 Bit error rate = 0.15873515625
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 1.0Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 1.8957356524063758 Bit error rate = 0.08426328125
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 1.8957356524063758Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 3.5938136638046276 Bit error rate = 0.029006510416666666
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 3.5938136638046276Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 6.812920690579611 Bit error rate = 0.004522395833333333
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 6.812920690579611Block error rate = 0.8428
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 12.91549665014884 Bit error rate = 0.00016276041666666666
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 12.91549665014884Block error rate = 0.06489999999999996
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 24.484367468222267 Bit error rate = 7.8125e-07
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 24.484367468222267Block error rate = 0.00029999999999996696
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 46.41588833612777 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 46.41588833612777Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 87.99225435691065 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 87.99225435691065Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 166.81005372000593 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 166.81005372000593Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 316.22776601683796 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 2 | snr = 316.22776601683796Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 1.0 Bit error rate = 0.28259557291666665
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 1.0Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 1.8957356524063758 Bit error rate = 0.21662265625
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 1.8957356524063758Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 3.5938136638046276 Bit error rate = 0.1511671875
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 3.5938136638046276Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 6.812920690579611 Bit error rate = 0.09119765625
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 6.812920690579611Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 12.91549665014884 Bit error rate = 0.04033958333333333
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 12.91549665014884Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 24.484367468222267 Bit error rate = 0.010061197916666667
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 24.484367468222267Block error rate = 0.9855
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 46.41588833612777 Bit error rate = 0.0008690104166666667
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 46.41588833612777Block error rate = 0.2984
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 87.99225435691065 Bit error rate = 8.333333333333334e-06
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 87.99225435691065Block error rate = 0.0032999999999999696
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 166.81005372000593 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 166.81005372000593Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 316.22776601683796 Bit error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 4 | snr = 316.22776601683796Block error rate = 0.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 1.0 Bit error rate = 0.3536518229166667
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 1.0Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 1.8957356524063758 Bit error rate = 0.3059221354166667
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 1.8957356524063758Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 3.5938136638046276 Bit error rate = 0.24816536458333333
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 3.5938136638046276Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 6.812920690579611 Bit error rate = 0.18723645833333333
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 6.812920690579611Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 12.91549665014884 Bit error rate = 0.1307921875
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 12.91549665014884Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 24.484367468222267 Bit error rate = 0.08174973958333333
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 24.484367468222267Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 46.41588833612777 Bit error rate = 0.040142447916666664
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 46.41588833612777Block error rate = 1.0
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 87.99225435691065 Bit error rate = 0.011923697916666667
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 87.99225435691065Block error rate = 0.9943
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 166.81005372000593 Bit error rate = 0.0014354166666666667
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 166.81005372000593Block error rate = 0.43820000000000003
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 316.22776601683796 Bit error rate = 2.96875e-05
For modOrder = 6 | snr = 316.22776601683796Block error rate = 0.01200000000000001
Performance Evaluations
Display BER/BLER vs SNR.
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(15,6))
ls = [":*","-o","--P"]
for i in np.arange(modOrder.size):
ax[0].semilogy(SNRdB, ber[i], ls[i], lw=3, ms=9)
ax[1].semilogy(SNRdB, bler[i], ls[i], lw=3, ms=9)
ax[0].set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax[0].set_ylabel("Bit error rate")
ax[0].set_title("BER vs SNR (dB) for different modulation order")
ax[0].set_xticks(SNRdB, minor=False);
ax[1].set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax[1].set_ylabel("Block error rate")
ax[1].set_title("BLER vs SNR (dB) for different modulation order")
ax[1].set_xticks(SNRdB, minor=False);
plt.savefig("BERvsSNR.svg", dpi=9600, transparent=True, format="svg")

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