Variation in Blocking Probability with Different Aggregation Levels (ALs)
In this notebook, we simulate the
blocking probability
as a function of differentALs
.We consider 5 scenarios corresponding to each AL supported for USS. In each scenario only one of the AL is used the probability of 1.
For instance [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] distribution is used to evaluate the blocking probability when AL 1 is chosen.
Intuitively we see that a higher AL provides a better coverage but at the cost of using more CCEs and hence higher blocking probabilty.
We consider 5 scenarios corresponding to each Aggregation Level (AL) of interest and the distributions are as follows:
AL 1 distribution : [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
AL 2 distribution : [0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
AL 4 distribution : [0, 0, 1, 0, 0]
AL 8 distribution : [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
AL 16 distribution : [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
The CORESET size
is 54 CCEs for this simulation.
Python Libraries
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
5G-Toolkit Libraries
import sys
from toolkit5G.Scheduler import PDCCHScheduler
Simulation Parameters
The following parameters are used for this simulation: - coresetID
denotes the coreset ID. - slotNumber
denotes the slot-number carrying the PDCCH. - searchSpaceType
denotes the search space type. UE specific search space (USS) or Common search space (CSS). - nci
denotes the variable corresponding to carrier aggregation. Current simulation does not assume carrier aggregation.
mu = np.random.randint(4) # numerlogy for sub-carrier spacing
numSlotsPerFrame = 2**mu * 10 # number of slots per radio frame
coresetID = 1 # coreset ID
slotNumber = 0 # slot number
searchSpaceType = "USS" # search space type. UE specific search space
nci = 0 # variable corresponding to carrier aggregation
numIterations = 1000 # Number of Iterations considered in simulation
PDCCH Scheduling Parameters
Following parameters are crucial for PDCCH scheduling performance: - Nccep
denotes coreset size or number of CCEs available for scheduling UEs. - strategy
denotes the scheduling strategy. - numCandidates
denotes number of PDCCH candidates per each Aggregation Level.
Nccep = 54 # coreset size in terms of CCEs
maxNumUEs = 60
numUEs = np.arange(0,maxNumUEs+1,4) # UE range considered in simulation
numUEs[0] = 1
numCandidates = np.array([6,6,4,2,1], dtype=int) # number of PDCCH candidates per AL
strategy = "Conservative" # scheduling strategy
pdcchSchedulerObj = PDCCHScheduler(mu,slotNumber,coresetID,nci)
Impact of AL 1
In this case the Base Station (BS) only configures 6 candidates (of AL 1) for each UE to monitor and other ALs are not monitored.
# AL1
aggLevelProbDistributionForAL1 = np.array([1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
probOfBlockingForAL1 = np.zeros(numUEs.shape)
for n in range(numUEs.size):
print("Simulating (n,numUEs) : "+str(n)+", "+str(numUEs[n]))
prob = 0
for i in range(numIterations):
ueALdistribution = np.random.multinomial(numUEs[n], aggLevelProbDistributionForAL1)
rnti = np.random.choice( np.arange(1,65519+1), size = (numUEs[n],), replace=False)
count = pdcchSchedulerObj(Nccep,searchSpaceType,ueALdistribution,numCandidates,rnti,strategy)[0]
numBlockedUEs = np.sum(count)
prob = prob + numBlockedUEs/numUEs[n]
probOfBlockingForAL1[n] = prob/numIterations
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 0, 1
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 1, 4
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 2, 8
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 3, 12
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 4, 16
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 5, 20
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 6, 24
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 7, 28
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 8, 32
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 9, 36
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 10, 40
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 11, 44
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 12, 48
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 13, 52
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 14, 56
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 15, 60
Impact of AL 2
In this case the BS only configures 6 candidates (of AL 2) for each UE to monitor and other ALs are not monitored.
# AL2
aggLevelProbDistributionForAL2 = np.array([0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
probOfBlockingForAL2 = np.zeros(numUEs.shape)
for n in range(numUEs.size):
print("Simulating (n,numUEs) : "+str(n)+", "+str(numUEs[n]))
prob = 0
for i in range(numIterations):
ueALdistribution = np.random.multinomial(numUEs[n], aggLevelProbDistributionForAL2)
rnti = np.random.choice( np.arange(1,65519+1), size = (numUEs[n],), replace=False)
count = pdcchSchedulerObj(Nccep,searchSpaceType,ueALdistribution,numCandidates,rnti,strategy)[0]
numBlockedUEs = np.sum(count)
prob = prob + numBlockedUEs/numUEs[n]
probOfBlockingForAL2[n] = prob/numIterations
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 0, 1
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 1, 4
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 2, 8
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 3, 12
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 4, 16
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 5, 20
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 6, 24
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 7, 28
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 8, 32
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 9, 36
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 10, 40
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 11, 44
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 12, 48
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 13, 52
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 14, 56
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 15, 60
Impact of AL 4
In this case the BS only configures 4 candidates (of AL 4) for each UE to monitor and other ALs are not monitored.
# AL4
aggLevelProbDistributionForAL4 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0])
probOfBlockingForAL4 = np.zeros(numUEs.shape)
for n in range(numUEs.size):
print("Simulating (n,numUEs) : "+str(n)+", "+str(numUEs[n]))
prob = 0
for i in range(numIterations):
ueALdistribution = np.random.multinomial(numUEs[n], aggLevelProbDistributionForAL4)
rnti = np.random.choice( np.arange(1,65519+1), size = (numUEs[n],), replace=False)
count = pdcchSchedulerObj(Nccep,searchSpaceType,ueALdistribution,numCandidates,rnti,strategy)[0]
numBlockedUEs = np.sum(count)
prob = prob + numBlockedUEs/numUEs[n]
probOfBlockingForAL4[n] = prob/numIterations
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 0, 1
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 1, 4
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 2, 8
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 3, 12
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 4, 16
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 5, 20
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 6, 24
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 7, 28
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 8, 32
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 9, 36
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 10, 40
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 11, 44
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 12, 48
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 13, 52
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 14, 56
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 15, 60
Impact of AL 8
In this case the BS only configures 2 candidates (of AL 8) for each UE to monitor and other ALs are not monitored.
# AL8
aggLevelProbDistributionForAL8 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0.0])
probOfBlockingForAL8 = np.zeros(numUEs.shape)
for n in range(numUEs.size):
print("Simulating (n,numUEs) : "+str(n)+", "+str(numUEs[n]))
prob = 0
for i in range(numIterations):
ueALdistribution = np.random.multinomial(numUEs[n], aggLevelProbDistributionForAL8)
rnti = np.random.choice( np.arange(1,65519+1), size = (numUEs[n],), replace=False)
count = pdcchSchedulerObj(Nccep,searchSpaceType,ueALdistribution,numCandidates,rnti,strategy)[0]
numBlockedUEs = np.sum(count)
prob = prob + numBlockedUEs/numUEs[n]
probOfBlockingForAL8[n] = prob/numIterations
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 0, 1
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 1, 4
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 2, 8
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 3, 12
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 4, 16
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 5, 20
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 6, 24
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 7, 28
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 8, 32
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 9, 36
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 10, 40
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 11, 44
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 12, 48
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 13, 52
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 14, 56
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 15, 60
Impact of AL 16
In this case the BS only configures 1 candidate (of AL 16) for each UE to monitor and other ALs are not monitored.
# AL16
aggLevelProbDistributionForAL16 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1])
probOfBlockingForAL16 = np.zeros(numUEs.shape)
for n in range(numUEs.size):
print("Simulating (n,numUEs) : "+str(n)+", "+str(numUEs[n]))
prob = 0
for i in range(numIterations):
ueALdistribution = np.random.multinomial(numUEs[n], aggLevelProbDistributionForAL16)
rnti = np.random.choice( np.arange(1,65519+1), size = (numUEs[n],), replace=False)
count = pdcchSchedulerObj(Nccep,searchSpaceType,ueALdistribution,numCandidates,rnti,strategy)[0]
numBlockedUEs = np.sum(count)
prob = prob + numBlockedUEs/numUEs[n]
probOfBlockingForAL16[n] = prob/numIterations
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 0, 1
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 1, 4
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 2, 8
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 3, 12
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 4, 16
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 5, 20
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 6, 24
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 7, 28
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 8, 32
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 9, 36
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 10, 40
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 11, 44
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 12, 48
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 13, 52
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 14, 56
Simulating (n,numUEs) : 15, 60
Plot the Variation in Blocking Probability with number of UEs for different Aggregation levels.
Its the recreation of
Fig. 7: Blocking probability for different ALs (CORESET size = 54 CCEs)
from the reference paper referenced below [1].From the figure we see that using a higher AL leads to higher blocking probability.
The results in figure shows that to maintain the blocking probability
below 0.2
, the maximum possible number of UEs to be scheduled with ALs 2, 4, 8, and 16 is close to 33, 16, 6, and 2 respectively.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(numUEs, probOfBlockingForAL1, marker = "*", linestyle = "solid", ms = 9, c = 'b', label = "AL1")
ax.plot(numUEs, probOfBlockingForAL2, marker = "o", linestyle = "solid", ms = 6, c = 'y', label = "AL2")
ax.plot(numUEs, probOfBlockingForAL4, marker = "v", linestyle = "solid", ms = 6, c = 'k', label = "AL4")
ax.plot(numUEs, probOfBlockingForAL8, marker = "^", linestyle = "solid", ms = 6, c = 'g', label = "AL8")
ax.plot(numUEs, probOfBlockingForAL16, marker = "s", linestyle = "solid", ms = 6, c = 'm', label = "AL16")
ax.set_xlabel('Total Number of Scheduled UEs')
ax.set_ylabel('Blocking Probability')
ax.set_title('Blocking Probability for different ALs', fontsize=12)
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0.05,0.95,10), minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(np.linspace(0, 1,11), minor=False)
ax.tick_params(axis='both',which='major', grid_linewidth=1, width=0)
ax.tick_params(axis='both',which='minor', grid_linewidth=0.5, grid_linestyle = '--')
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
ax.set_xlim([0, numUEs[-1]])

[1] Blocking Probability Analysis for 5G New Radio (NR) Physical Downlink Control Channel
. Mohammad Mozaffari, Y.-P. Eric Wang, and Kittipong Kittichokechai
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