P1 Procedure: Beam management in 5G networks using SSB

The P1 procedure, also known as the beam management procedure, is a mechanism used in 5G networks to facilitate efficient beam selection and management for communication between the base station (gNB) and user equipment (UE). Specifically, the P1 procedure focuses on the selection and tracking of the strongest beam from a set of possible beams transmitted by the gNB, known as the Secondary Synchronization Signal (SSB) beams.

Import librariers

Import Python libraries

# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'

import numpy as np
# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))

Import 5G Toolkit libraries

import sys

from toolkit5G.SequenceGeneration import PSS, SSS, DMRS
from toolkit5G.PhysicalChannels   import PBCH, PBCHDecoder
from toolkit5G.ResourceMapping    import SSB_Grid, ResourceMapperSSB
from toolkit5G.ChannelModels     import AntennaArrays, SimulationLayout, ParameterGenerator, ChannelGenerator

from toolkit5G.OFDM               import OFDMModulator, OFDMDemodulator

from toolkit5G.ChannelProcessing  import ApplyChannel, AddNoise
from toolkit5G.MIMOProcessing     import AnalogBeamforming, ReceiveCombining
from toolkit5G.ReceiverAlgorithms import PSSDetection, SSSDetection, ChannelEstimationAndEqualization, DMRSParameterDetection
from toolkit5G.ReceiverAlgorithms import ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPBCH

from toolkit5G.Configurations     import TimeFrequency5GParameters, GenerateValidSSBParameters

Simulation Parameters

terrain          = "UMa"    # Terrain      # Propagation Scenario or Terrain for BS-UE links
carrierFrequency = 3.6*10**9        # Carrier frequency 3.6 GHz
scs              = 30*10**3   # Subcarrier Spacing
nBatches         = 10       # Number of Batches considered for simulation
numRBs           = 40         # Please don't change this. The simulation will break down
Bandwidth        = 10*10**6   # System bandwidth
Nfft             = 512        # FFT-size
bandwidthTx      = 10*(10**6);           # Transmission bandwidth
nSymbolFrame     = 140*int(scs/15000);   # Number of OFDM symbols per frame (Its a function of subcarrier spacing)

nBSs             = 21          # number of BSs
nUEs             = nBatches   # number of UEs

txAntStruture    = np.array([1,1,4,4,2]) # Tx Antenna Structure
rxAntStruture    = np.array([1,1,2,2,1]) # Rx Antenna Structure
Nt               = txAntStruture.prod()
Nr               = rxAntStruture.prod()

print("                  Terrain: "+terrain)
print("        Carrier Frequency: "+str(carrierFrequency/10**9)+" GHz")
print("       Subcarrier-Spacing: "+str(scs)+" kHz")
print("                Bandwidth: "+str(Bandwidth/10**6)+" MHz")
print("                 FFT-size: "+str(Nfft))
print("Number of Resource Blocks: "+str(nBatches))
print("Number of User Equipments: "+str(nUEs))
print("  Number of Base Stations: "+str(nBSs))
print("  Number of Base Antennas: "+str(Nt))
print("    Number of UE Antennas: "+str(Nr))


                  Terrain: UMa
        Carrier Frequency: 3.6 GHz
       Subcarrier-Spacing: 30000 kHz
                Bandwidth: 10.0 MHz
                 FFT-size: 512
Number of Resource Blocks: 10
Number of User Equipments: 10
  Number of Base Stations: 21
  Number of Base Antennas: 32
    Number of UE Antennas: 4

Generate Wireless Channel


# Antenna Array at UE side # assuming antenna element type to be "OMNI" # with 2 panel and 2 single polarized antenna element per panel. ueAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "OMNI", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = rxAntStruture) ueAntArray() # # Radiation Pattern of Rx antenna element # ueAntArray.displayAntennaRadiationPattern() # Antenna Array at BS side # assuming antenna element type to be "3GPP_38.901", a parabolic antenna # with 4 panel and 4 single polarized antenna element per panel. bsAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "3GPP_38.901", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = txAntStruture) bsAntArray() # # Radiation Pattern of Tx antenna element # bsAntArray[0].displayAntennaRadiationPattern() # # Node Mobility # timeInterval = 15/scs # number of SnapShots # timeInst = np.linspace(0, timeInterval, 14) # UEroute = NodeMobility("randomWalk", numUEs, timeInst, 1, 1, -0.7853981633974483, 0.7853981633974483, False) # UEroute() # fig, ax = UEroute.displayRoute() # ax.set_aspect(True) # Layout Parameters isd = 500 # inter site distance minDist = 35 # min distance between each UE and BS ueHt = 1.5 # UE height bsHt = 25 # BS height bslayoutType = "Hexagonal" # BS layout type ueDropType = "Hexagonal" # UE drop type htDist = "equal" # UE height distribution ueDist = "equal" # UE Distribution per site nSectorsPerSite = 3 # number of sectors per site maxNumFloors = 1 # Max number of floors in an indoor object minNumFloors = 1 # Min number of floors in an indoor object heightOfRoom = 3 # height of room or ceiling in meters indoorUEfract = 0#0.5 # Fraction of UEs located indoor lengthOfIndoorObject = 3 # length of indoor object typically having rectangular geometry widthOfIndoorObject = 3 # width of indoor object forceLOS = True # boolen flag if true forces every link to be in LOS state # forceLOS = False # boolen flag if true forces every link to be in LOS state # simulation layout object simLayoutObj = SimulationLayout(numOfBS = nBSs, numOfUE = nUEs, heightOfBS = bsHt, heightOfUE = ueHt, ISD = isd, layoutType = bslayoutType, ueDropMethod = ueDropType, UEdistibution = ueDist, UEheightDistribution = htDist, numOfSectorsPerSite = nSectorsPerSite, ueRoute = None, force3GPPSpatialConsistencyParameters = True, enableSpatialConsistencyLoS = True) simLayoutObj(terrain = terrain, carrierFreq = carrierFrequency, ueAntennaArray = ueAntArray, bsAntennaArray = bsAntArray, indoorUEfraction = indoorUEfract, lengthOfIndoorObject = lengthOfIndoorObject, widthOfIndoorObject = widthOfIndoorObject, forceLOS = forceLOS) simLayoutObj.linkState = simLayoutObj.linkState*False # displaying the topology of simulation layout fig, ax = simLayoutObj.display2DTopology() # paramGen = simLayoutObj.getParameterGenerator(delaySpread=100*(10**(-9)), # enableAbsoluteDelays=True, # enableSpatialConsistencyForLSPs = True, # enableSpatialConsistencyForSSPs = True, # enableSpatialConsistencyForInitialPhases = True) paramGen = simLayoutObj.getParameterGenerator(delaySpread=100*(10**(-9))) #paramGen.displayClusters((0,0,0), rayIndex = 5) channel = paramGen.getChannel() Hf = channel.ofdm(scs, Nfft) Nt = bsAntArray.numAntennas # Number of BS Antennas Nr = ueAntArray.numAntennas print(" Number of BSs: "+str(nBSs)) print(" Shape of Channel: "+str(Hf.shape)) print("*****************************************************") print()
             Number of BSs: 21
          Shape of Channel: (1, 1, 21, 10, 512, 4, 32)

Generate Time Frequency Parameters and MIB+ATI Parameters

## This class fetches valid set of 5G parameters for the system configurations
tfParams         = TimeFrequency5GParameters(Bandwidth, scs, fftsize=Nfft)
tfParams(nSymbolFrame, typeCP = "normal")
nRB              = tfParams.numRBs        # SSB Grid size (Number of RBs considered for SSB transition)
Neff             = tfParams.Neff        # Number of resource blocks for Resource Grid ( exclude gaurd band | offsets : BWP)
Nfft             = 512                 # FFT-size for OFDM
lengthCP         = tfParams.lengthCP    # CP length

lamda                           = 3e8/carrierFrequency;
nSCSOffset                      = 1
ssbParameters                   = GenerateValidSSBParameters(carrierFrequency, nSCSOffset, ssbType="caseA",
                                                             nssbCandidatesInHrf = 8, isPairedBand = False,
                                                             withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess = False)

systemFrameNumber               = ssbParameters.systemFrameNumber
subCarrierSpacingCommon         = ssbParameters.subCarrierSpacingCommon
ssbSubCarrierOffset             = ssbParameters.ssbSubCarrierOffset
DMRSTypeAPosition               = ssbParameters.DMRSTypeAPosition
controlResourceSet0             = ssbParameters.controlResourceSet0
searchSpace0                    = ssbParameters.searchSpace0

isPairedBand                    = ssbParameters.isPairedBand
nSCSOffset                      = ssbParameters.nSCSOffset
choiceBit                       = ssbParameters.choiceBit
ssbType                         = ssbParameters.ssbType
nssbCandidatesInHrf             = ssbParameters.nssbCandidatesInHrf
ssbIndex                        = ssbParameters.ssbIndex
hrfBit                          = ssbParameters.hrfBit
cellBarred                      = ssbParameters.cellBarred
intraFrequencyReselection       = ssbParameters.intraFrequencyReselection
withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess = ssbParameters.withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess

nFrames                         = 0.5
Nsc_ssb                         = 240
Nsymb_ssb                       = 4

Generate OFDM Resource/Transmission Grid

numSymbols = 56
Pt         = 53
nID2       = np.arange(3)
nID1       = np.arange(7)
bwpOffset  = np.random.randint(Nfft - numRBs*12)

azimuth      = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi/3, nssbCandidatesInHrf, endpoint=False)
secAngle     = np.arange(nSectorsPerSite)*(2*np.pi/3)
theta        = 75*np.pi/180
antLocations = bsAntArray.locations[0,0].reshape(-1,3)
ssbPositionInBurst = np.ones(nssbCandidatesInHrf, dtype=int)

# Generate SSB
ssb         = np.zeros((21, 8, 4, 240), dtype=np.complex64)
Xf          = np.zeros((nBSs, Nt, numSymbols, Nfft),      dtype = np.complex64)

for nbs in range(nBSs):

    cellID1 = int(nbs/3)
    cellID2 = int(nbs%3)

    # Generate PSS sequence
    pssObject    = PSS(cellID2)
    pssSequence  = pssObject()

    # Generate SSS sequence
    sssObject    = SSS(cellID1, cellID2)
    sssSequence  = sssObject()

    ssbIndex     = np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf)

    # Generate DMRS sequence
    dmrsLen      = 144;
    dmrsObject   = DMRS("PBCH", nbs, ssbIndex, nssbCandidatesInHrf, hrfBit)
    dmrsSequence = dmrsObject(dmrsLen)

    pbchObject   = PBCH(carrierFrequency, choiceBit, subCarrierSpacingCommon, DMRSTypeAPosition,
                        controlResourceSet0, searchSpace0, cellBarred,
                        intraFrequencyReselection, systemFrameNumber, ssbSubCarrierOffset,
                        hrfBit, ssbIndex, nbs, nssbCandidatesInHrf)

    pbchSymbols = pbchObject()

    ssbObject      = SSB_Grid(nbs)
    ssb[nbs]       = ssbObject(pssSequence, sssSequence, dmrsSequence, pbchSymbols)

    ssbRGobject    = ResourceMapperSSB(ssbType, carrierFrequency, isPairedBand, withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess)

    ssbGrid = ssbRGobject(ssb[nbs], ssbPositionInBurst, offsetInSubcarriers = ssbSubCarrierOffset[0],
                          offsetInRBs = 0, numRBs = numRBs)

    for nbm in range(nssbCandidatesInHrf):

        phi = azimuth[nbm] + secAngle[nbs%nSectorsPerSite]
        steeringVector = np.stack((np.sin(theta, dtype = np.float32)*np.cos(phi, dtype = np.float32),
                                   np.sin(theta, dtype = np.float32)*np.sin(phi, dtype = np.float32),
                                   np.cos(theta, dtype = np.float32)), axis = -1)[...,np.newaxis]

        beamVectors    = ((simLayoutObj.BSLocations[[nbs]] + antLocations)@steeringVector)/lamda
        beamVectors    = np.sqrt(Pt/Nt)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*beamVectors)

        n = ssbRGobject.symbolIndices[nbm]
        Xf[nbs,:,n:n+4,bwpOffset:bwpOffset+numRBs*12] = beamVectors[...,np.newaxis]*ssbGrid[np.newaxis,n:n+4]

fig, ax = ssbObject.displayGrid()

Pass through the Wireless Channel

# Pass through Channel
Y = (Hf[0,0,:,:,np.newaxis]@Xf.transpose(0,2,3,1)[:,np.newaxis,...,np.newaxis])[...,0]

Power Heatmap of Received Grid

ui = np.random.randint(nUEs)
bi = np.random.randint(nBSs)
ai = np.random.randint(Nr)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(np.abs(Y[bi,ui,:,:,ai].T), cmap = "hot", interpolation= "nearest", aspect='auto', origin = "lower")

Add Noise


BoltzmanConst = 1.380649*(10**(-23)) temperature = 300 noisePower = BoltzmanConst*temperature*numRBs*scs kppm = 0 fCFO = kppm*(np.random.rand()-0.5)*carrierFrequency*(10**(-6)); # fCFO = CFO*subcarrierSpacing CFO = (fCFO/scs)/Nfft Yf = np.complex64(AddNoise(False)(Y, noisePower, 0)) #Added

RSRP Computation

# Rx Beamforming
numRxBeams = 8
combiner   = np.fft.fft(np.eye(numRxBeams))[:,0:Nr]

ssbEsti    = np.zeros((nBSs, nUEs, nssbCandidatesInHrf, 4, 240, numRxBeams), dtype = np.complex64)
ssbEst     = np.zeros((nUEs, 4, 240), dtype = np.complex64)
rsrp       = np.zeros((nBSs, nUEs, nssbCandidatesInHrf))

for nbm in range(nssbCandidatesInHrf):
    n = ssbRGobject.symbolIndices[nbm]
    ssbEsti[:,:,nbm] = (combiner.reshape(1,1,1,1,1,numRxBeams,Nr)@Yf[:,:,n:n+4,ssbSubCarrierOffset[0]:ssbSubCarrierOffset[0]+240,:, np.newaxis])[...,0]

    rsrp[:,:,nbm] = 10*np.log10((np.abs(ssbEsti[:,:,nbm,2,56:183])**2).mean(-2).max(-1)) + 30

bestBeams = rsrp.argmax(-1)
(21, 10, 8)

Visualization of All Beam RSRP

ueIndex = 0
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout='constrained', figsize = (15,5))

color      = ['lightblue', 'blue', 'purple', 'red', 'black', 'cyan', 'green', 'pink']
label      = ["beam-0", "beam-1", "beam-2", "beam-3", "beam-4", "beam-5", "beam-6", "beam-7"]

width      = 0.075
minVal     = -10*np.floor(rsrp[:,ueIndex].min()/10)

for nb in range(nBSs-1):
    rects = ax.bar(0.1*np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf) + nb - 0.35, rsrp[nb,ueIndex]+minVal, width, bottom = rsrp[:,ueIndex].min(), color = color)

nb = nBSs-1
rects = ax.bar(0.1*np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf) + nb - 0.35, rsrp[nb,ueIndex]+minVal, width, bottom = rsrp[:,ueIndex].min(), color = color, label = label)

ax.set_xticks(np.arange(nBSs), minor=False)
ax.vlines(np.arange(nBSs+1) - 0.5, ymin = rsrp[:,ueIndex].min(), ymax = rsrp[:,ueIndex].max()+10)
ax.set_xlim([-0.5, 21])
ax.set_ylim([rsrp[:,ueIndex].min(), rsrp[:,ueIndex].max() + 10])
ax.set_ylabel("RSRP (dB)")



Selected Base-station and Beam

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12.5, 5.5))
ax1 = plt.subplot(121)
ax2 = plt.subplot(122, projection='polar')

width   = 0.8
idx   = np.argwhere(rsrp[:,ueIndex] == np.max(rsrp[:,ueIndex]))
nb    = idx[0][0]
rects = ax1.bar(np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf), rsrp[nb,ueIndex]+minVal, width, bottom = rsrp[:,ueIndex].min(), color = color, label = label)
ax1.set_xticks(np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf), minor=False)
ax1.set_ylim([rsrp[nb,ueIndex].min(), rsrp[nb,ueIndex].max() + 5])
ax1.set_xlabel("Beam index")
ax1.set_ylabel("RSRP (dB)")
ax1.set_title("Index of best BS = "+str(nb)+" | UE-index = "+str(ueIndex))

numPoints = 1000
numBeams  = 8
order     = 32

theta     = np.linspace(-0.5*np.pi, 0.5*np.pi, numPoints)
beamAngle = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi/3, numBeams, endpoint=False) + (nb%3)*2*np.pi/3

for nbeam in range(numBeams):
    ax2.plot(beamAngle[nbeam] + theta, np.cos(theta)**order, zorder = 3, color = color[nbeam])

refLocation = simLayoutObj.UELocations[ueIndex] - simLayoutObj.BSLocations[nb]
radius = 2*np.linalg.norm(refLocation)/isd
phi    = np.arctan2(refLocation[1], refLocation[0])
ax2.plot(phi, radius, "k", marker='o', lw = 100, zorder = 4)
ax2.plot([phi,phi], [0,1], "y", lw = 2, zorder = 4)
ax2.plot([2*np.pi/3,2*np.pi/3], [0,1], "k", lw = 3, zorder = 4)
ax2.plot([4*np.pi/3,4*np.pi/3], [0,1], "k", lw = 3, zorder = 4)
ax2.plot([0,0], [0,1], "k", lw = 3, zorder = 4)

# ax.set_rticks([0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1])  # Less radial ticks
# ax.set_rlabel_position(-22.5)  # Move radial labels away from plotted line


Simulation Topology

fig, ax = simLayoutObj.display2DTopology(displayPlot=False)
ax.scatter(simLayoutObj.UELocations[ueIndex,0], simLayoutObj.UELocations[ueIndex,1], color = "cyan", s = 100, zorder = 20)
ax.scatter(simLayoutObj.BSLocations[nb,0], simLayoutObj.BSLocations[nb,1], color = "k", s = 450, zorder = 21)

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