Link Level Simulation for Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH) in 5G Non Terrestrial Networks (NTN)
Key Performance Parameters - Throughput vs SNR - BLER vs SNR
Import Python Libraries
# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
import numpy as np
# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# display(HTML("<style>.container { width:80% !important; }</style>"))
Import 5G-Toolkit Libraries
import sys
from toolkit5G.PhysicalChannels.PDSCH import ComputeTransportBlockSize
from toolkit5G.PhysicalChannels import PDSCHLowerPhy, PDSCHUpperPhy, PDSCHDecoderLowerPhy, PDSCHDecoderUpperPhy
from toolkit5G.ChannelModels import AntennaArrays, ParameterGeneratorTDL
from toolkit5G.Configurations import PDSCHLowerPhyConfiguration, PDSCHUpperPhyConfiguration
from toolkit5G.ChannelProcessing import AddNoise, ApplyChannel
from toolkit5G.SymbolMapping import Mapper, Demapper
from toolkit5G.ReceiverAlgorithms import ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPDSCH
from toolkit5G.Scrambler import DeScrambler, Scrambler
from toolkit5G.PhysicalChannels.PDSCH import LayerDemapper
Simulation Parameters
terrain = "NTN-TDL-C" # Propagation Scenario or Terrain for BS-UE links
carrierFrequency = 2*10**9 # carrier frequency in Hz
mu = 0 # numerology
scs = (2**mu)*(15*10**3) # sub-carrier spacing
slotNumber = 0 # slot number. Note that number of slots per sub-frame of 1 ms is 2**mu
numRB = 24 #270 # Please don't change this. The simulation will break down
Bandwidth = numRB*scs
Nfft = 1024
numBatches = 100 # Number of batches considered for simulation
numBSs = 1 # number of BSs
numUEs = 1 # number of UEs
txAntStruture = np.array([1,1,1,1,1], dtype=int)
rxAntStruture = np.array([1,1,1,1,1], dtype=int)
Nt = # number of Tx antenna
Nr = # number of Rx antenna
# Velocity of UEs is generated uniformly at randomly between [minVelocity, maxVelocity]
minVelocity = 3*5/18 # Minimum velocity of the UEs
maxVelocity = 3*5/18 # Maximum velocity of the UEs
print("************ Simulation Parameters *************")
print(" numBatches: "+str(numBatches))
print(" numRB: "+str(numRB))
print(" fft Size: "+str(Nfft))
print(" numBSs: "+str(numBSs))
print(" numUEs: "+str(numUEs))
print(" scs: "+str(scs))
print(" slotNumber: "+str(slotNumber))
print(" terrain: "+str(terrain))
print("Tx Ant Struture: "+str(txAntStruture))
print("Rx Ant Struture: "+str(rxAntStruture))
************ Simulation Parameters *************
numBatches: 100
numRB: 24
fft Size: 1024
numBSs: 1
numUEs: 1
scs: 15000
slotNumber: 0
terrain: NTN-TDL-C
Tx Ant Struture: [1 1 1 1 1]
Rx Ant Struture: [1 1 1 1 1]
Generate Channel
ueAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "OMNI", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = rxAntStruture)
bsAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "3GPP_38.901", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = txAntStruture)
nSnapShots = 14
# timeInstances = np.array([0])
timeInstances = np.arange(nSnapShots)/(28000)
radiusOfEarth = 6371*10**3
satelliteAltitude = 160*10**3
satelliteElevationAngle = 50*np.pi/180
enableSpatialConsistency = False
correlationDistance = 10
numSinusoids = 1024
correlationMatrix = None
print(" nSnapShots:"+str(nSnapShots))
paramGen = ParameterGeneratorTDL(terrain, carrierFrequency = carrierFrequency, numTransmitter = numBSs, numReceiver = numUEs,
timeInstances = timeInstances, minVelocity = minVelocity, maxVelocity = maxVelocity, radiusOfEarth = radiusOfEarth,
satelliteAltitude = satelliteAltitude, satelliteElevationAngle = satelliteElevationAngle,
enableSpatialConsistency = enableSpatialConsistency, correlationDistance = correlationDistance,
numTxAntennas = Nt, numRxAntennas = Nr, numSinusoids = numSinusoids, correlationMatrix = correlationMatrix)
delaySpread = 100*(10**-9)
kFactor = None
muNLoSBias = None
sigmaNLoSBias = None
paramGen(delaySpread = delaySpread, kFactor = kFactor, muNLoSBias = muNLoSBias, sigmaNLoSBias = sigmaNLoSBias)
channel = paramGen.getChannels()
Hf = np.sqrt(Nfft)*channel.ofdm(subCarrierSpacing = scs, fftSize = Nfft, normalizeChannel = False) # np.sqrt(Nfft) factor is used to normalize the average subcarrier power to 1.
print(" coefficients:"+str(channel.coefficients.shape))
print(" delays:"+str(channel.delays.shape))
print(" Hf:"+str(Hf.shape))
coefficients:(1, 14, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1)
delays:(1, 1, 1, 1, 3)
Hf:(1, 14, 1, 1, 1024, 1, 1)
PDSCH Configurations
########################################## PDSCH Lower Physical Layer Parameters #########################################
pdschLowerPhyConfig = PDSCHLowerPhyConfiguration(rank = 1, startSymbol=2, numSymbols=12, pdschMappingType = "PDSCH-mapping-type-A",
maxLength = "len1", dmrsAdditionalPosition = "pos0", l0 = 0,
configurationType = "Configuration-type-1")
pdschMappingType = pdschLowerPhyConfig.pdschMappingType # "PDSCH mapping type A" or "PDSCH mapping type B"
maxLength = pdschLowerPhyConfig.maxLength
startSymbol = pdschLowerPhyConfig.startSymbol
numSymbols = pdschLowerPhyConfig.numSymbols
betaDMRS = pdschLowerPhyConfig.betaDMRS
configurationType = pdschLowerPhyConfig.configurationType # "Configuration-type-1" or "Configuration-type-2"
dmrsTypeAPosition = pdschLowerPhyConfig.dmrsTypeAPosition # "pos2" or "pos3"
dmrsAdditionalPosition = pdschLowerPhyConfig.dmrsAdditionalPosition # "pos2" or "pos3"
ld = pdschLowerPhyConfig.ld
l0 = pdschLowerPhyConfig.l0
l1 = pdschLowerPhyConfig.l1
rank = pdschLowerPhyConfig.rank
scramblingID = pdschLowerPhyConfig.scramblingID
nSCID = pdschLowerPhyConfig.nSCID
mcsIndex = 3
mcsTable = "pdschTable1"
########################################## PDSCH Parameters #########################################
pdschUpperPhyConfig = PDSCHUpperPhyConfiguration(pdschMappingType = pdschMappingType, configurationType = configurationType,
dmrsTypeAPosition = dmrsTypeAPosition, maxLength = maxLength, mcsIndex = mcsIndex,
mcsTable = mcsTable, dmrsAdditionalPosition = dmrsAdditionalPosition, l0 = l0,
ld = ld, l1 = l1, startSymbol = startSymbol, numSymbols = numSymbols, rank = rank,
numRB = numRB)
numTBs = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numTBs
numRB = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numRB
tbLen1 = pdschUpperPhyConfig.tbLen1
codeRate = pdschUpperPhyConfig.codeRate
modOrder = pdschUpperPhyConfig.modOrder
mcsIndex = pdschUpperPhyConfig.mcsIndex
mcsTable = pdschUpperPhyConfig.mcsTable
numlayers = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numlayers
scalingField = pdschUpperPhyConfig.scalingField
additionalOverhead = pdschUpperPhyConfig.additionalOverhead
dmrsREs = pdschUpperPhyConfig.dmrsREs
additionalOverhead = pdschUpperPhyConfig.additionalOverhead
numTargetBits1 = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numTargetBits1
if(numTBs == 2):
numTargetBits1 = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numTargetBits1
numTargetBits2 = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numTargetBits2
tbLen2 = pdschUpperPhyConfig.tbLen2
numTargetBits = pdschUpperPhyConfig.numTargetBits
************ PDSCH Parameters *************
pdschMappingType: PDSCH-mapping-type-A
startSymbol: 2
numSymbols: 12
betaDMRS: 1
rank: 1
configurationType: Configuration-type-1
maxLength: len1
dmrsTypeAPosition: pos3
dmrsAdditionalPosition: pos0
Duration, ld: 12
Start symbol, l0: 0
Start symbol-1, l1: 11
num of Layers: 1
tbsize-1: 1672
numTBs: 1
numCBs: 1
numLayers: 1 | LayerperTB: [1 0]
numRB: 24
coderate: 0.2451171875
modOrder: 2
additionalOverhead: 0
numberTargetBits: 6624
PDSCH Implementation
This section implements implements both - Upper Physical layer - Lower Physical layer
pdschUpperPhy = PDSCHUpperPhy(symbolsPerSlot = numSymbols, numRB = numRB, mcsIndex = mcsIndex,
numlayers = numlayers, scalingField = scalingField,
additionalOverhead = additionalOverhead, dmrsREs = dmrsREs,
numTBs=numTBs, pdschTable = mcsTable, verbose = False)
codeword = pdschUpperPhy(tblock = [None, None], rvid = [0, 0], enableLBRM = [False, False],
numBatch = numBatches, numBSs = numBSs)
rnti = np.random.randint(65536, size=numBSs*numBatches)
nID = np.random.randint(1024, size=numBSs*numBatches)
bits2 = codeword[1] if numTBs == 2 else None
pdschLowerPhyChain = PDSCHLowerPhy(pdschMappingType, configurationType, dmrsTypeAPosition,
maxLength, dmrsAdditionalPosition, l0, ld, l1)
resourceGrid = pdschLowerPhyChain(codeword[0], numRB, rank, slotNumber, scramblingID,
nSCID, rnti, nID, modOrder, startSymbol, bits2 = bits2)
## Load the resource Grid into the transmision Grid
txGrid = np.zeros(resourceGrid.shape[0:-1]+(Nfft,), dtype= np.complex64)
bwpOffset = np.random.randint(Nfft-numRB*12)
txGrid[...,bwpOffset:bwpOffset+numRB*12] = resourceGrid
fig, ax = pdschLowerPhyChain.displayDMRSGrid()

(<Figure size 640x480 with 1 Axes>,
<Axes: xlabel='OFDM Symbol-Index', ylabel='Subcarrier-Index'>)

xBeam = txGrid[...,np.newaxis]
print("************ Beamforming Parameters *************")
print(" Channel Shape: "+str(Hf.shape))
print("Beamformed Grid sh: "+str(xBeam.shape))
************ Beamforming Parameters *************
Channel Shape: (1, 14, 1, 1, 1024, 1, 1)
Beamformed Grid sh: (100, 1, 1, 14, 1024, 1)
Pass through the Wireless Channel
# Channel Dimensions: numBatches, numFrequencies, numSymbols(numSnapshots), numBSs, numUEs, numSamples/numFFTpoints, numRxAntennas, numTxAntennas
# Tx-Grid Dimensions: numBatches, numFrequencies, numSymbols(numSnapshots), numBSs, numSamples/numFFTpoints, numTxAntennas
# Rx-Grid Dimensions: numBatches, numFrequencies, numSymbols(numSnapshots), -- numUEs, numSamples/numFFTpoints, numRxAntennas
ptc = ApplyChannel(isFrequencyDomain = True, enableInterTxInterference = True, memoryConsumptionLevel = 0)
y = ptc(Hf[np.newaxis].transpose(4,0,1,2,3,5,6,7), xBeam.transpose(0,1,3,2,4,5))
print("************ Channel Parameters *************")
print(" Channel Shape: "+str(Hf.shape))
print("Received Grid shape: "+str(y.shape))
print(" Beamformed Grid sh: "+str(xBeam.shape))
************ Channel Parameters *************
Channel Shape: (1, 14, 1, 1, 1024, 1, 1)
Received Grid shape: (100, 1, 14, 1, 1024, 1)
Beamformed Grid sh: (100, 1, 1, 14, 1024, 1)
Recevier Side Processing
numPoints = 10
SNRdB = np.linspace(-12, -4, numPoints, endpoint=True)
SNR = 10**(SNRdB/10)
codedBER = np.zeros(numPoints)
uncodedBER = np.zeros(numPoints)
bler = np.zeros(numPoints)
throughput = np.zeros(numPoints)
for i in range(numPoints):
print("Simulation: ["+str(i)+"] for SNRdB = "+str(SNRdB[i]))
## Add noise to the received grid
yGrid = AddNoise(False)(y, 1/SNR[i], 0)
## Extracting the Received Grid
rxGrid = yGrid[:,0].transpose(0,2,4,1,3)[...,bwpOffset:bwpOffset+12*numRB]
## Receiver: Lower Physical layer
channelEstimator = ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPDSCH(slotNumber, scramblingID, nSCID, rnti, nID, pdschMappingType, configurationType, dmrsTypeAPosition,
maxLength, dmrsAdditionalPosition, l0, ld, l1, startSymbol, numTargetBits, modOrder, isUEmobile=False)
symbolEstimates = channelEstimator(rxGrid[:,0], interpolatorTypeFrequency = "linear") ## Equalized symbols. | Interpolator can be: "NN", "Linear", "Cubic"
## Receiver: Lower Physical layer
# Symbol demapping
lmObject = LayerDemapper(numTBs, rank)
if(numTBs == 1):
# Symbol demapping 1st TB
# Shape of x must be numBatches x numUEs x numLayers x numBits
rcodeword1 = lmObject(symbolEstimates.astype(np.complex64))
# Symbol demapping 2nd TB
rcodeword1, rcodeword2 = lmObject(symbolEstimates.astype(np.complex64))
## ------------------ Symbol Demapping ------------------
# The mapper maps blocks of information bits to constellation symbols
demapper = Demapper("app", "qam", modOrder, hard_out = False)
bits_1e = demapper([rcodeword1, np.float32(1/SNR[i])])
# Descrambling the pdsch payload bits
deScrObject1 = DeScrambler("PDSCH", rnti, 0, nID)
decscrambledBits1 = deScrObject1(bits_1e)
decscrambledBits1 = np.where(decscrambledBits1>20, 20, decscrambledBits1)
decscrambledBits1 = np.where(decscrambledBits1<-20, -20, decscrambledBits1)
if(numTBs == 2):
bits_2e = demapper([rcodeword2, np.float32(1/SNR[i])])
# Descrambling the pdsch payload bits
deScrObject2 = DeScrambler("PDSCH", rnti, 1, nID)
decscrambledBits2 = deScrObject2(bits_2e)
decscrambledBits2 = np.where(decscrambledBits2>20, 20, decscrambledBits2)
decscrambledBits2 = np.where(decscrambledBits2<-20, -20, decscrambledBits2)
if(numTBs == 1):
uncodedBits = [np.zeros(decscrambledBits1.shape)]
uncodedBits[0][decscrambledBits1 > 0] = 1
decscrambledOut = (decscrambledBits1,)
uncodedBits = [np.zeros(decscrambledBits1.shape), np.zeros(decscrambledBits2.shape)]
uncodedBits[0][decscrambledBits1 > 0] = 1
uncodedBits[1][decscrambledBits2 > 0] = 1
decscrambledOut = (decscrambledBits1, decscrambledBits2)
## Receiver: Upper Physical layer
pdschUpPhyDec = PDSCHDecoderUpperPhy(numTBs = numTBs, mcsIndex = mcsIndex, symbolsPerSlot= numSymbols,
numRB = numRB, numLayers = numlayers, scalingField = scalingField,
additionalOverhead = additionalOverhead, dmrsREs = dmrsREs,
enableLBRM = [False, False], pdschTable = mcsTable, rvid = [0, 0], verbose=False)
if numTBs == 2:
bits = pdschUpPhyDec(decscrambledOut)
bits = pdschUpPhyDec(decscrambledOut)
if numTBs == 1:
## KPI computation
codedBER[i] = np.mean(np.abs(bits-pdschUpperPhy.tblock1[:,0]))
uncodedBER[i] = np.mean(np.abs(uncodedBits[0] - codeword[0][:,0]))
bler[i] = 1-np.mean(pdschUpPhyDec.crcCheckforCBs)
throughput[i] = (1-bler[i])*tbLen1*2000
## KPI computation
codedBER[i] = np.mean(np.abs(np.concatenate([bits[0], bits[1]], axis=-1) - np.concatenate([pdschUpperPhy.tblock1[:,0], pdschUpperPhy.tblock2[:,0]], axis=-1)))
uncodedBER[i] = np.mean(np.abs(np.concatenate([uncodedBits[0], uncodedBits[1]], axis=-1) - np.concatenate([codeword[0][:,0], codeword[1][:,0]], axis=-1)))
bler[i] = 1-np.mean(pdschUpPhyDec.crcCheckforCBs)
throughput[i] = ((1-bler[i])*tbLen1*2000) + ((1-bler[i])*tbLen2*2000)
print("Simulation: "+str([i])+" for BLER = "+str(bler[i]))
print("Simulation: "+str([i])+" for Throughput = "+str(throughput[i]))
Simulation: [0] for SNRdB = -12.0
Simulation: [0] for BLER = 0.95
Simulation: [0] for Throughput = 167200.00000000015
Simulation: [1] for SNRdB = -11.11111111111111
Simulation: [1] for BLER = 0.83
Simulation: [1] for Throughput = 568480.0000000001
Simulation: [2] for SNRdB = -10.222222222222221
Simulation: [2] for BLER = 0.53
Simulation: [2] for Throughput = 1571679.9999999998
Simulation: [3] for SNRdB = -9.333333333333334
Simulation: [3] for BLER = 0.10999999999999999
Simulation: [3] for Throughput = 2976160.0
Simulation: [4] for SNRdB = -8.444444444444445
Simulation: [4] for BLER = 0.050000000000000044
Simulation: [4] for Throughput = 3176799.9999999995
Simulation: [5] for SNRdB = -7.555555555555555
Simulation: [5] for BLER = 0.010000000000000009
Simulation: [5] for Throughput = 3310560.0
Simulation: [6] for SNRdB = -6.666666666666667
Simulation: [6] for BLER = 0.0
Simulation: [6] for Throughput = 3344000.0
Simulation: [7] for SNRdB = -5.777777777777779
Simulation: [7] for BLER = 0.0
Simulation: [7] for Throughput = 3344000.0
Simulation: [8] for SNRdB = -4.888888888888889
Simulation: [8] for BLER = 0.0
Simulation: [8] for Throughput = 3344000.0
Simulation: [9] for SNRdB = -4.0
Simulation: [9] for BLER = 0.0
Simulation: [9] for Throughput = 3344000.0
Simulation Results: Reliability
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.semilogy(SNRdB, uncodedBER, "-b", marker = "o", label="uncodedBER")
# ax.semilogy(SNRdB, codedBER, ":r", marker = "s", label="codedBER")
ax.semilogy(SNRdB, bler, "--g", marker = "p", label="BLER")
ytck = (0.1**(np.arange(1, 8))).repeat(9)*np.tile(np.arange(10, 1,-1), [7])
ytck = np.concatenate([[1],ytck])
ax.set_yticks(ytck, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(0.1**(np.arange(0, 7)), minor=False)
ax.grid(which = 'minor', alpha = 0.25, linestyle = '--')
ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 1)
ax.set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax.set_ylabel("Bit/Block error rate (BER/BLER)")
ax.set_title("BER/BLER vs SNR (dB) Performance")
fig.savefig("PDSCH_BLER_LLS-NTN.png", format = "png", transparent = True)
fig.savefig("PDSCH_BLER_LLS-NTN.svg", format = "svg", transparent = True)

Simulation Results: Throughput
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.semilogy(SNRdB, throughput, "-b", marker = "o", label="Throughput")
ax.set_xticks(np.round(SNRdB, 2), minor=False)
ytck = 10**(np.arange(2, 9)).repeat(9)*np.tile(np.arange(1, 10), [7])
ax.set_yticks(ytck, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(10**(np.arange(2, 8)), minor=False)
ax.set_ylim([10**2, 10**7])
ax.grid(which = 'minor', alpha = 0.25, linestyle = '--')
ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 1)
ax.set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax.set_ylabel("Throughput (bps)")
ax.set_title("Throughput vs SNR (dB) Performance")
fig.savefig("PDSCH_Throughput_LLS-NTN.png", format = "png", transparent = True)
fig.savefig("PDSCH_Throughput_LLS-NTN.svg", format = "svg", transparent = True)

Simulation Results: Reliability (Averaged over 32000 batches)
mcsIndex = 3
rank = 1
filename = "Databases/PDSCH-mcsIndex"+str(mcsIndex)+"-rank"+str(rank)+"-dB.npz"
dB = np.load(filename)
SNRdB2 = dB["SNRdB"]
codedBER2 = dB["codedBER"]
uncodedBER2 = dB["uncodedBER"]
bler2 = dB["bler"]
throughput2 = dB["throughput"]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.semilogy(SNRdB, uncodedBER, "-b", marker = "o", label="uncodedBER")
# ax.semilogy(SNRdB, codedBER, ":r", marker = "s", label="codedBER")
ax.semilogy(SNRdB2, bler2, "--g", marker = "p", label="BLER")
ax.set_xticks(np.round(SNRdB2, 2))
ytck = (0.1**(np.arange(1, 8))).repeat(9)*np.tile(np.arange(10, 1,-1), [7])
ytck = np.concatenate([[1],ytck])
ax.set_yticks(ytck, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(0.1**(np.arange(0, 7)), minor=False)
ax.grid(which = 'minor', alpha = 0.25, linestyle = '--')
ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 1)
ax.set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax.set_ylabel("Bit/Block error rate (BER/BLER)")
ax.set_title("BER/BLER vs SNR (dB) Performance")
fig.savefig("PDSCH_BLER_LLS-NTN.png", format = "png", transparent = True)
fig.savefig("PDSCH_BLER_LLS-NTN.svg", format = "svg", transparent = True)

Simulation Results: Throughput (Averaged over 32000 batches)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.semilogy(SNRdB2, throughput2, "-b", marker = "o", label="Throughput")
ax.set_xticks(np.round(SNRdB2, 2), minor=False)
ytck = 10**(np.arange(2, 9)).repeat(9)*np.tile(np.arange(1, 10), [7])
ax.set_yticks(ytck, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(10**(np.arange(2, 8)), minor=False)
ax.set_ylim([10**2, 10**7])
ax.grid(which = 'minor', alpha = 0.25, linestyle = '--')
ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 1)
ax.set_xlabel("SNR (dB)")
ax.set_ylabel("Throughput (bps)")
ax.set_title("Throughput vs SNR (dB) Performance")
fig.savefig("PDSCH_Throughput_LLS-NTN.png", format = "png", transparent = True)
fig.savefig("PDSCH_Throughput_LLS-NTN.svg", format = "svg", transparent = True)

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