Coverage Evaluation of Physical Broadcast Channels (PBCH) in 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks
The control channels are used to communicate the downlink control information (DCI) in 5G Networks. This control information is crucial for decoding the actual data blocks which is carried using the physical downlink shared channel (PDSCH). In this tutorial we will demonstrate the link-level and system-level performance of control channel for different aggregation levels. The aggregation level allows the base-station to control the amount of resources allocated to PDCCH for transitting the DCI.
Evaluation Methodology
Parameters |
Values |
Carrier frequency (\(f_c\)) |
2 GHz |
Subcarrier spacing (\(\Delta f\)) |
15 kHz |
Channel model/Terrain |
FFT-size (\(N_{FFT}\)) |
4096 |
Bandwidth (\(B\)) |
5 MHz |
Number of RBs (\(N_{RB}\)) |
24 |
Antenna Configurations |
BS Antenna Configurations |
[1,1,1,1,1] |
UE Antenna Configurations |
[1,1,1,1,1] |
UE velocity |
3 kmph |
Antenna Configurations |
Radius of Earth |
6371 Km |
Satellite Orbit |
600 Km |
Satellite Angle |
30 Degree |
Import Libraries
Import Python Libraries
# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
import numpy as np
# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))
Import 5G Libraries
import sys
from toolkit5G.SequenceGeneration import PSS, SSS, DMRS
from toolkit5G.PhysicalChannels import PBCH, PBCHDecoder
from toolkit5G.ResourceMapping import SSB_Grid, ResourceMapperSSB
from toolkit5G.ChannelModels import AntennaArrays, ParameterGeneratorTDL
from toolkit5G.OFDM import OFDMModulator, OFDMDemodulator
from toolkit5G.ChannelProcessing import ApplyChannel, AddNoise
from toolkit5G.MIMOProcessing import AnalogBeamforming, ReceiveCombining
from toolkit5G.ReceiverAlgorithms import PSSDetection, SSSDetection, ChannelEstimationAndEqualization, DMRSParameterDetection
from toolkit5G.ReceiverAlgorithms import ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPBCH
from toolkit5G.Configurations import TimeFrequency5GParameters, GenerateValidSSBParameters
Simulation Parameters
terrain = "NTN-TDL-C" # Propagation Scenario or Terrain for BS-UE links
carrierFrequency = 2*10**9 # Carrier frequency 3.6 GHz
scs = 15*10**3 # Subcarrier Spacing
nBatches = 200 # Number of Batches considered for simulation
numRBs = 21 # Please don't change this. The simulation will break down
Bandwidth = 10*10**6 # System bandwidth
Nfft = 1024 # FFT-size
bandwidthTx = 10*(10**6); # Transmission bandwidth
nSymbolFrame = 140*int(scs/15000); # Number of OFDM symbols per frame (Its a function of subcarrier spacing)
nBSs = 1 # Number of BSs
nUEs = nBatches # Number of UEs
# Velocity of UEs is generated uniformly at randomly between [minVelocity, maxVelocity]
minVelocity = 3*5/18 # Minimum velocity of the UEs
maxVelocity = 3*5/18 # Maximum velocity of the UEs
txAntStruture = np.array([1,1,1,1,1]) # Tx Antenna Structure
rxAntStruture = np.array([1,1,1,1,1]) # Rx Antenna Structure
Nt =
Nr =
nSectorsPerSite = 1
print(" Terrain: "+terrain)
print(" Carrier Frequency: "+str(carrierFrequency/10**9)+" GHz")
print(" Subcarrier-Spacing: "+str(scs)+" kHz")
print(" Bandwidth: "+str(Bandwidth/10**6)+" MHz")
print(" FFT-size: "+str(Nfft))
print("Number of Resource Blocks: "+str(nBatches))
print("Number of User Equipments: "+str(nUEs))
print(" Number of Base Stations: "+str(nBSs))
print(" Number of Base Antennas: "+str(Nt))
print(" Number of UE Antennas: "+str(Nr))
Terrain: NTN-TDL-C
Carrier Frequency: 2.0 GHz
Subcarrier-Spacing: 15000 kHz
Bandwidth: 10.0 MHz
FFT-size: 1024
Number of Resource Blocks: 200
Number of User Equipments: 200
Number of Base Stations: 1
Number of Base Antennas: 1
Number of UE Antennas: 1
Generate NTN Channel
ueAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "OMNI", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = rxAntStruture)
bsAntArray = AntennaArrays(antennaType = "3GPP_38.901", centerFrequency = carrierFrequency, arrayStructure = txAntStruture)
nSnapShots = 14
# timeInstances = np.array([0])
timeInstances = np.arange(28)/(28000)
radiusOfEarth = 6371*10**3
satelliteAltitude = 160*10**3
satelliteElevationAngle = 50*np.pi/180
enableSpatialConsistency = False
correlationDistance = 10
numSinusoids = 1024
correlationMatrix = None
print(" nSnapShots:"+str(nSnapShots))
paramGen = ParameterGeneratorTDL(terrain, carrierFrequency = carrierFrequency, numTransmitter = nBSs, numReceiver = nUEs,
timeInstances = timeInstances, minVelocity = minVelocity, maxVelocity = maxVelocity, radiusOfEarth = radiusOfEarth,
satelliteAltitude = satelliteAltitude, satelliteElevationAngle = satelliteElevationAngle,
enableSpatialConsistency = enableSpatialConsistency, correlationDistance = correlationDistance,
numTxAntennas = Nt, numRxAntennas = Nr, numSinusoids = numSinusoids, correlationMatrix = correlationMatrix)
delaySpread = 100*(10**-9)
kFactor = None
muNLoSBias = None
sigmaNLoSBias = None
paramGen(delaySpread = delaySpread, kFactor = kFactor, muNLoSBias = muNLoSBias, sigmaNLoSBias = sigmaNLoSBias)
channel = paramGen.getChannels()
Hf = channel.ofdm(subCarrierSpacing = scs, fftSize=Nfft, normalizeChannel=True)
print(" coefficients:"+str(channel.coefficients.shape))
print(" delays:"+str(channel.delays.shape))
print(" Hf:"+str(Hf.shape))
coefficients:(1, 28, 1, 200, 3, 1, 1)
delays:(1, 1, 1, 1, 3)
Hf:(1, 28, 1, 200, 1024, 1, 1)
Generate MIB and PBCH Configurations for NTN
## This class fetches valid set of 5G parameters for the system configurations
tfParams = TimeFrequency5GParameters(Bandwidth, scs, fftsize=Nfft)
tfParams(nSymbolFrame, typeCP = "normal")
nRB = 12 # SSB Grid size (Number of RBs considered for SSB transition)
Neff = tfParams.Neff # Number of resource blocks for Resource Grid ( exclude gaurd band | offsets : BWP)
# Nfft = 512 # FFT-size for OFDM
lengthCP = tfParams.lengthCP # CP length
lamda = 3e8/carrierFrequency;
nSCSOffset = 1
ssbParameters = GenerateValidSSBParameters(carrierFrequency, nSCSOffset, ssbType="caseA",
nssbCandidatesInHrf = 4, isPairedBand = False,
withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess = False)
systemFrameNumber = ssbParameters.systemFrameNumber
subCarrierSpacingCommon = ssbParameters.subCarrierSpacingCommon
ssbSubCarrierOffset = ssbParameters.ssbSubCarrierOffset
DMRSTypeAPosition = ssbParameters.DMRSTypeAPosition
controlResourceSet0 = ssbParameters.controlResourceSet0
searchSpace0 = ssbParameters.searchSpace0
isPairedBand = ssbParameters.isPairedBand
nSCSOffset = ssbParameters.nSCSOffset
choiceBit = ssbParameters.choiceBit
ssbType = ssbParameters.ssbType
nssbCandidatesInHrf = ssbParameters.nssbCandidatesInHrf
ssbIndex = ssbParameters.ssbIndex
hrfBit = ssbParameters.hrfBit
cellBarred = ssbParameters.cellBarred
intraFrequencyReselection = ssbParameters.intraFrequencyReselection
withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess = ssbParameters.withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess
nFrames = 0.5
Nsc_ssb = 240
Nsymb_ssb = 4
PSS, SSS, PBCH, PBCH-DMRS and SSB Generation
N_ID2 = np.arange(3)
# Generate PSS sequence
pssObject = PSS(N_ID2);
pssSequence = pssObject()
N_ID1 = 0
N_ID = 3*N_ID1 + N_ID2
# Generate SSS sequence
sssObject = SSS(N_ID1, N_ID2);
sssSequence = sssObject()
ssbIndex = np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf)
# Generate DMRS sequence
dmrsLen = 144;
dmrsObject = DMRS("PBCH", N_ID.repeat(nssbCandidatesInHrf), np.tile(np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf), N_ID.size), nssbCandidatesInHrf, hrfBit)
# dmrsSeq = dmrs.getSequence("tensorflow")
dmrsSequence = dmrsObject(dmrsLen).reshape(N_ID.size,nssbCandidatesInHrf,-1)
# Generate PBCH symbols
pbchSymbols = np.zeros((nSectorsPerSite, nssbCandidatesInHrf, 432), dtype=np.complex64)
ssb = np.zeros((nSectorsPerSite, nssbCandidatesInHrf, 4, 240), dtype=np.complex64)
for i in range(nSectorsPerSite):
pbchObject = PBCH(carrierFrequency, choiceBit, subCarrierSpacingCommon, DMRSTypeAPosition,
controlResourceSet0, searchSpace0, cellBarred,
intraFrequencyReselection, systemFrameNumber, ssbSubCarrierOffset,
hrfBit, ssbIndex, N_ID[i], nssbCandidatesInHrf)
pbchSymbols[i] = pbchObject()
ssbObject = SSB_Grid(N_ID[i])
ssb[i] = ssbObject(pssSequence[i], sssSequence[i],
dmrsSequence[i], pbchSymbols[i])
fig, ax = ssbObject.displayGrid()

Transmission OFDM Resource Grid
numSymbols = 28
Pt = 1
XGrid = np.zeros((nBSs, Nt, numSymbols, 960), dtype = np.complex64)
Xf = np.zeros((nBSs, Nt, numSymbols, Nfft), dtype = np.complex64)
## Loading SSB to SSB Grid
# ssbPositionInBurst = np.ones(nssbCandidatesInHrf, dtype=int)
ssbPositionInBurst = np.ones(nssbCandidatesInHrf, dtype=int)
ssbRGobject = ResourceMapperSSB(ssbType, carrierFrequency, isPairedBand, withSharedSpectrumChannelAccess)
antLocations = bsAntArray.locations[0,0].reshape(-1,3)
azimuth = np.arange(0, nssbCandidatesInHrf)*(2*np.pi/3)/nssbCandidatesInHrf
secAngle = np.arange(nSectorsPerSite)*(2*np.pi/3)
theta = 95*np.pi/180
scOffset = 240*np.arange(nssbCandidatesInHrf)
for nbs in range(nBSs):
ssbGrid = ssbRGobject(ssb[nbs], ssbPositionInBurst, offsetInSubcarriers = 0,
offsetInRBs = 0, numRBs = numRBs)
for nbm in range(nssbCandidatesInHrf):
phi = azimuth[nbm] + secAngle[nbs%nSectorsPerSite]
steeringVector = np.stack((np.sin(theta, dtype = np.float32)*np.cos(phi, dtype = np.float32),
np.sin(theta, dtype = np.float32)*np.sin(phi, dtype = np.float32),
np.cos(theta, dtype = np.float32)), axis = -1)[...,np.newaxis]
beamVectors = (antLocations@steeringVector)/lamda
beamVectors = np.sqrt(Pt/Nt)*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*beamVectors)
n = ssbRGobject.symbolIndices[nbm]
numSCs = 240
XGrid[nbs,:,n:n+4,scOffset[nbm]:scOffset[nbm]+numSCs] = beamVectors[...,np.newaxis]*(ssbGrid[np.newaxis,n:n+4,0:numSCs])
# bwpOffset = np.random.randint(Nfft - numRBs*12)
bwpOffset = 0
Xf[...,bwpOffset:bwpOffset+960] = XGrid
Pass through the Wireless Channel
Yf = (Hf[0,0,:,:,np.newaxis]@Xf.transpose(0,2,3,1)[:,np.newaxis,...,np.newaxis])[...,0]
Heatmap of Received Grid
ui = np.random.randint(nUEs)
bi = np.random.randint(nBSs)
ai = np.random.randint(Nr)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(np.abs(Yf[bi,ui,:,:,ai]).T, cmap = "hot", interpolation= "nearest", aspect='auto')

Link Level Simulation: PBCH
# Rx Beamforming
numRxBeams = 1
combiner = np.fft.fft(np.eye(numRxBeams))[:,0:Nr]
numPoints = 10
SNRdB = np.linspace(-10, 0, numPoints, endpoint=True)
# SNRdB = np.array([40])
SNR = 10**(SNRdB/10)
ssbEsti = np.zeros((nBSs, nUEs, nssbCandidatesInHrf, 4, 240, numRxBeams), dtype = np.complex64)
ssbEst = np.zeros((nUEs, 4, 240), dtype = np.complex64)
cellID = np.zeros(nUEs, dtype = np.int32)
beamIndices = np.zeros(nUEs, dtype = np.int32)
rxbeamIdxs = np.zeros(nUEs, dtype = np.int32)
rsrp = np.zeros(nUEs)
polarDecoder = "SCL"
symbolDemapper = "maxlog"
extractMIBinfo = False
crcChecks = np.zeros((nUEs), dtype = np.bool_)
bler = np.zeros(SNR.size)
for i in range(SNR.size):
print("********** [i = "+str(i)+" | SNR(dB) = "+str(SNRdB[i])+"] **********")
## Add noise to the received grid
# Y = AddNoise(False)(Yf, 1/SNR[i], 0)
# Yr = Y[...,bwpOffset:bwpOffset+numRBs*12,:].sum(-1)
Yr = AddNoise(False)(Yf, 1/SNR[i], 0)
for nbm in range(nssbCandidatesInHrf):
n = ssbRGobject.symbolIndices[nbm]
ssbEsti[:,:,nbm] = (combiner.reshape(1,1,1,1,1,numRxBeams,Nr)@Yr[:,:,n:n+4,scOffset[nbm]:scOffset[nbm]+240,:, np.newaxis])[...,0]
for nue in range(nUEs):
power = np.abs(ssbEsti[:,nue]).sum(-3).sum(-2)
rsrp[nue] = power.max()
idX = np.argwhere(power == rsrp[nue])
cellID[nue] = idX[0][0]
beamIndices[nue] = idX[0][1]
rxbeamIdxs[nue] = idX[0][2]
ssbEst[nue] = ssbEsti[cellID[nue], nue, beamIndices[nue],:,:,rxbeamIdxs[nue]]
## Estimating the channel at DMRS (t-f) location, interpolting for data (t-f) location and equalizing the symbols
## Object for Channel Estimation
idx = cellID == 0
chanEst = ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPBCH(estimatorType = "ZF", interpolatorType = "Linear", isUEmobile = True)
pbchEstimate = chanEst(ssbEst[idx], dmrsSequence[0,beamIndices[idx]], 0)
## PBCH Chain for Decoding information
# carrierFreq, cellID, nssbCandidatesInHrf, ssbIndex, polarDecType, symbolDemapperType
pbchDecoder = PBCHDecoder(carrierFrequency, 0, nssbCandidatesInHrf, beamIndices[idx], polarDecoder, symbolDemapper)
rxMIB, check = pbchDecoder(pbchEstimate, SNR[i], extractMIBinfo)
crcChecks[idx] = check.flatten()
idx = cellID == 1
chanEst = ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPBCH(estimatorType = "ZF", interpolatorType = "Linear", isUEmobile = True)
pbchEstimate = chanEst(ssbEst[idx], dmrsSequence[1,beamIndices[idx]], 1)
## PBCH Chain for Decoding information
# carrierFreq, cellID, nssbCandidatesInHrf, ssbIndex, polarDecType, symbolDemapperType
pbchDecoder = PBCHDecoder(carrierFrequency, 1, nssbCandidatesInHrf, beamIndices[idx], polarDecoder, symbolDemapper)
rxMIB, check = pbchDecoder(pbchEstimate, SNR[i], extractMIBinfo)
crcChecks[idx] = check.flatten()
idx = cellID == 2
chanEst = ChannelEstimationAndEqualizationPBCH(estimatorType = "ZF", interpolatorType = "Linear", isUEmobile = True)
pbchEstimate = chanEst(ssbEst[idx], dmrsSequence[2,beamIndices[idx]], 2)
## PBCH Chain for Decoding information
# carrierFreq, cellID, nssbCandidatesInHrf, ssbIndex, polarDecType, symbolDemapperType
pbchDecoder = PBCHDecoder(carrierFrequency, 2, nssbCandidatesInHrf, beamIndices[idx], polarDecoder, symbolDemapper)
rxMIB, check = pbchDecoder(pbchEstimate, SNR[i], extractMIBinfo)
crcChecks[idx] = check.flatten()
bler[i] = 1 - np.mean(crcChecks)
print("********** [SNR(dB) = "+str(SNRdB[i])+" | BLER = "+str(bler[i])+" ] **********")
# np.savez("Database/SNR_vs_BLER-1.npz", SNRdB=SNRdB, bler = bler)
********** [i = 0 | SNR(dB) = -10.0] **********
/home/tenet/Startup/Packages/5G_Toolkit/version15/Projects/17.Coverage_Evaluations_for_Non_Terrestrial_Networks/../../toolkit5G/ChannelCoder/PolarCoder/ UserWarning: Required ressource allocation is large for the selected blocklength. Consider option `cpu_only=True`.
warnings.warn("Required ressource allocation is large " \
********** [SNR(dB) = -10.0 | BLER = 1.0 ] **********
********** [i = 1 | SNR(dB) = -8.88888888888889] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -8.88888888888889 | BLER = 1.0 ] **********
********** [i = 2 | SNR(dB) = -7.777777777777778] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -7.777777777777778 | BLER = 1.0 ] **********
********** [i = 3 | SNR(dB) = -6.666666666666666] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -6.666666666666666 | BLER = 1.0 ] **********
********** [i = 4 | SNR(dB) = -5.555555555555555] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -5.555555555555555 | BLER = 0.96 ] **********
********** [i = 5 | SNR(dB) = -4.444444444444445] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -4.444444444444445 | BLER = 0.89 ] **********
********** [i = 6 | SNR(dB) = -3.333333333333333] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -3.333333333333333 | BLER = 0.5800000000000001 ] **********
********** [i = 7 | SNR(dB) = -2.2222222222222214] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -2.2222222222222214 | BLER = 0.19999999999999996 ] **********
********** [i = 8 | SNR(dB) = -1.1111111111111107] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = -1.1111111111111107 | BLER = 0.06000000000000005 ] **********
********** [i = 9 | SNR(dB) = 0.0] **********
********** [SNR(dB) = 0.0 | BLER = 0.025000000000000022 ] **********
Displaying the Received Noisy Resource Grid
ui = np.random.randint(nUEs)
bi = np.random.randint(nBSs)
ai = np.random.randint(Nr)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(np.abs(Yr[bi,ui,:,:,ai]).T, cmap = "hot", interpolation= "nearest", aspect='auto')

Displaying Noisy SSB Grid
ui = np.random.randint(nUEs)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.imshow(np.abs(ssbEst[ui]).T, cmap = "hot", interpolation= "nearest", aspect='auto')

Performance Evaluations: SNR vs BLER
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.semilogy(SNRdB, bler, "-b", marker = "o", label = "PBCH-BLER")
ytck = (0.1**(np.arange(1, 4))).repeat(9)*np.tile(np.arange(10, 1,-1), [3])
ytck = np.concatenate([[1],ytck])
ax.set_yticks(ytck, minor=True)
ax.set_yticks(0.1**(np.arange(0, 4)), minor=False)
ax.set_title('SNR (dB)vs BLER Performance: NTN')
ax.set_xlabel('SNR (dB)')
ax.set_ylabel('Block Error Rate (BLER)')
ax.grid(which = 'minor', alpha = 0.25, linestyle = '--')
ax.grid(which = 'major', alpha = 1)
# fig.savefig("PBCH_LLS_NTN.png", transparent = True, format = "png")
# fig.savefig("PBCH_LLS_NTN.svg", transparent = True, format = "svg")

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