Polar Codes in 5G

Polar codes in 5G are used for forward error correction for small to medium payload sizes which is typically the case for broadcast and control channels. The broadcast channel and control channel are used to carry the master information block (MIB) and downlink control information (DCI) repsectively. This tutorial covers the following content:

Table of content:

Import libraries

Python Libraries

import os
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'

# %matplotlib widget
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from   mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes
from   mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset

import numpy as np

5G Toolkit libraries

# import sys
# sys.path.append("../../../dist2/python3_11/")

import sys
from toolkit5G.SymbolMapping import Demapper
from toolkit5G.SymbolMapping import Mapper
from toolkit5G.ChannelCoder  import PolarEncoder5G
from toolkit5G.ChannelCoder  import PolarDecoder5G
# from IPython.display import display, HTML
# display(HTML("<style>.container { width:70% !important; }</style>"))

Symbol Mapping Configurations

Symbol mapping/Demapping is performed for:

  • QPSK constellation defined by constellation_type which encodes

  • 1 bit per contellation symbol defined by num_bits_per_symbol.

  • The demapper generates log likelihood ratios configured by hard_out

  • using a Log-Map (“app”) decoder defined using demapping_method.

constellation_type  = "qam"
num_bits_per_symbol = 2
hard_out            = False
demapping_method    = "app"

mapper  = Mapper(constellation_type, num_bits_per_symbol)
demapper= Demapper(demapping_method, constellation_type,  num_bits_per_symbol, hard_out = hard_out)

Polar Coder Configurations

The simulations parameters are:

  • K defines block-length.

  • SNRdB defines Signal to noise ratio (SNR) in dB.

  • purpose defines the physical channel for which the Polar coder is used.

  • verbose displays the details of the simulation if configured to True.

  • decoderType defines the type of Polar Decoder used.

K       = 56      # Number of bits to encode
E       = 864     # Rate matching bits
purpose = "PDCCH" # The channel for which the Polar Encoder
verbose = False
decoderType ='SC'

Simulation: AWGN Channel

This subsection performs the simulation which involve following steps:

  • Bits generation of length k

  • Polar Encoding

  • BPSK Symbol Mapping of encoded bits

  • Passing through the AWGN Channel

    • Adding noise to BPSK symbols with a given SNR

  • Symbol De-mapping using Log Map Demapper defined by "app".

    • Generates Log likelihood values as hard_out is set to False.

  • Polar Decoding

  • BER computation

The flow of the implementation can be understood using folowing diagram: PolarCodes

The bit error rate (BER) is computed for every combination of K \(= \{20, 50, 80, 110, 140\}\) and SNR \(= \{-10, -8, -6, -4, -2, 0\}\) dB and averaged over \(500000\) batches (monteCarloIterations).

K          = np.int32(np.linspace(20,140,5))
SNRdB      = np.linspace(-10,0,5)
SNR        = 10**(SNRdB/10)
numBatches = 100
BER        = np.zeros((K.size, SNR.size))

kIndex   = 0
snrIndex = 0
for k in K:
    ################ Generate UCI Payload #################
    bits    = np.float32(np.random.randint(2, size = (numBatches, k)))

    ################### Polar Encoder #####################
    encoder = PolarEncoder5G(k, E, purpose,verbose)
    encBits = encoder(bits)

    ################### Rate Matching #####################
    encoder = PolarEncoder5G(k, E, purpose,verbose)

    ################### Symbol Mapping ####################
    symbols  = mapper(encBits)

    decoder  = PolarDecoder5G(K = k, E = E, purpose = purpose, dec_type = decoderType)
    snrIndex = 0
    for snr in SNR:

        ################ Add Noise at Receiver ################
        symbs    = symbols + np.sqrt(0.5/snr)*(np.random.standard_normal(size=symbols.shape)+1j*np.random.standard_normal(size=symbols.shape)).astype(np.complex64)

        ################## Symbol Demapping ###################
        llrEst   = demapper([symbs,  np.float32(1/snr)])

        ################ Reed Muller Decoder ##################
        rxBits   = decoder(llrEst)

        ############## Key Performance Metrics ################
        BER[kIndex, snrIndex] = np.mean(np.abs(rxBits-bits))

        print("For K="+str(k)+", At SNR(dB): "+str(SNRdB[snrIndex])+" | Bit Error Rate: "+str(BER[kIndex, snrIndex]))

        snrIndex = snrIndex + 1
    kIndex = kIndex + 1
Warning: 5G Polar codes use an integrated CRC that cannot be materialized with SC decoding and, thus, causes a degraded performance. Please consider SCL decoding instead.
For K=20, At SNR(dB): -10.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.27399998903274536
For K=20, At SNR(dB): -7.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.08749999850988388
For K=20, At SNR(dB): -5.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0020000000949949026
For K=20, At SNR(dB): -2.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
For K=20, At SNR(dB): 0.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
Warning: 5G Polar codes use an integrated CRC that cannot be materialized with SC decoding and, thus, causes a degraded performance. Please consider SCL decoding instead.
For K=50, At SNR(dB): -10.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.4251999855041504
For K=50, At SNR(dB): -7.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.17100000381469727
For K=50, At SNR(dB): -5.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.00559999980032444
For K=50, At SNR(dB): -2.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
For K=50, At SNR(dB): 0.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
Warning: 5G Polar codes use an integrated CRC that cannot be materialized with SC decoding and, thus, causes a degraded performance. Please consider SCL decoding instead.
For K=80, At SNR(dB): -10.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.48124998807907104
For K=80, At SNR(dB): -7.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.453000009059906
For K=80, At SNR(dB): -5.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.18912500143051147
For K=80, At SNR(dB): -2.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.004999999888241291
For K=80, At SNR(dB): 0.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
Warning: 5G Polar codes use an integrated CRC that cannot be materialized with SC decoding and, thus, causes a degraded performance. Please consider SCL decoding instead.
For K=110, At SNR(dB): -10.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.48818182945251465
For K=110, At SNR(dB): -7.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.4808181822299957
For K=110, At SNR(dB): -5.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.42027273774147034
For K=110, At SNR(dB): -2.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.049272727221250534
For K=110, At SNR(dB): 0.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.0
Warning: 5G Polar codes use an integrated CRC that cannot be materialized with SC decoding and, thus, causes a degraded performance. Please consider SCL decoding instead.
For K=140, At SNR(dB): -10.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.49235713481903076
For K=140, At SNR(dB): -7.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.4894285798072815
For K=140, At SNR(dB): -5.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.47942855954170227
For K=140, At SNR(dB): -2.5 | Bit Error Rate: 0.24899999797344208
For K=140, At SNR(dB): 0.0 | Bit Error Rate: 0.004142857156693935

Performance Evaluations

The script plots SNR in dB vs BER performance for different code-block lengths \(\text{K} \in \{20, 50, 80, 110, 140\}\). It can be observed that the Polar codes can provide the reliablilty of

  • \(99.99990 \text{ or BER = } 10^{-4}\) for all the block-sizes supported in downlink even at low SNR value of 0 dB.


fig, ax = plt.subplots() color_tuple = ['blue', 'orange', 'green', 'red', 'purple', 'brown', 'pink', 'gray', 'olive', 'cyan', 'black'] markcolor_tuple = ['gold', 'navy', 'crimson', 'yellow', 'line', 'springgreen', 'black', 'aqua', 'royalblue', 'red', 'green'] linestyle_tuple = ['-', '--', '-.', ':', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted'] marker_tuple = [".", "o", ">", "2", "8", "s", "p", "*", "P", "X", "D"] kIndex = K.size-1 for k in np.flip(K): ax.semilogy(SNRdB, BER[kIndex], color=color_tuple[kIndex%len(color_tuple)], linestyle=linestyle_tuple[kIndex%len(linestyle_tuple)], lw = 2, marker=marker_tuple[kIndex%len(marker_tuple)], markersize = 6, label="K = "+str(k)) kIndex = kIndex - 1 ax.legend(loc="lower left") ax.set_xlabel("Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)", fontsize = 9) ax.set_ylabel("Bit Error Rate", fontsize = 9) ax.set_title("[Polar Codes]: BER vs SNR(dB) for different block-lengths", fontsize = 12) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 9}) plt.show()

Performance Evaluations: Averaging over a 100 dataset of 100 points each

BER = np.zeros((K.size, SNR.size))
for i in range(100):
    ds = np.load("Databases/Polar_BERvsSNR"+str(i)+".npz")
    BER = BER + ds['BER']

BER = BER/100

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

color_tuple     = ['blue', 'orange', 'green',   'red',    'purple', 'brown',       'pink',  'gray', 'olive', 'cyan', 'black']
markcolor_tuple = ['gold', 'navy',   'crimson', 'yellow', 'line',   'springgreen', 'black', 'aqua', 'royalblue', 'red', 'green']
linestyle_tuple = ['-', '--', '-.', ':', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dashdot', 'dotted']
marker_tuple    = [".", "o", ">", "2", "8", "s", "p", "*", "P", "X", "D"]

kIndex = K.size-1
for k in np.flip(K):
    ax.semilogy(SNRdB, BER[kIndex], color=color_tuple[kIndex%len(color_tuple)],
                linestyle=linestyle_tuple[kIndex%len(linestyle_tuple)], lw = 2,
                marker=marker_tuple[kIndex%len(marker_tuple)], markersize = 6, label="K = "+str(k))

    kIndex = kIndex - 1

ax.legend(loc="lower left")
ax.set_xlabel("Signal to Noise Ratio (dB)", fontsize = 9)
ax.set_ylabel("Bit Error Rate", fontsize = 9)
ax.set_title("[Polar Codes]: BER vs SNR(dB) for different block-lengths", fontsize = 12)
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 9})
[ ]: