
This modules provide interface for implementing the scrambler for PBCH, PDCCH and PDSCH. The implementation details of the Scramblers for PDSCH, PDCCH and PBCH are provided in Section, and of [3GPPTS38211_Scr].


  • Scrambling just randomize the bit pattern. It doesn’t change the length of the input sequence

The scrambled can be used as follows: Scrambling for PBCH:

## Bits to be scrambled
bits    = np.random.randint(2, size = 32)

cellID  = 471 # Physical cell ID
Lmax    = 8   # Maximum number of candidate SS/PBCH blocks in a half frame

# Scrambler Object for PBCH
pbchScr = Scrambler("PBCH", cellID, Lmax)
# Scrambling the input Bits using the object
scrBits = pbchScr(bits)

Scrambling for PDCCH:

numBatch= 8    # Number of batches of input bits
# bits for scrambling
bits    = np.random.randint(2, size = (numBatch, 32))
rnti    = 1051  # RNTI value
nID     = 18548 # Scrambling ID
# Scrambler Object for PDCCH
pbchScr = Scrambler("PDCCH", rnti, nID)
## Scrambling the bits using object
scrBits = pbchScr(bits)

Scrambling for PUCCH:

numBatch = 8      # Number of batches of input bits
# bits for scrambling
bits     = np.random.randint(2, size = (numBatch, 32))
nID      = 47     # Scrambling ID
rnti     = 35967  # RNTI value
# Scrambler Object for PUCCH
pucchScr = Scrambler("PUCCH", rnti, nID)
## Scrambling the bits using object
scrBits  = pucchScr(bits)

Scrambling for PDSCH:

numBatch= 8     # Number of batches
numBSs  = 3     # Number of BSs
# bits for scrambling
bits    = np.random.randint(2, size = (numBatch, numBSs, 512))
rnti    = 1151  # RNTI value
cbIndex = 0     # Codeblock Index
nID     = 39742 # Scrambling ID
# Scrambler Object for PDCCH
pbchScr = Scrambler("PDSCH", rnti, cbIndex, nID)
scrBits = pbchScr(bits) # Scrambling the bits using object

The details about the input-output interface of the scrambling is provided below.

class toolkit5G.Scrambler.Scrambler(purpose, *args)[source]

Scrambles the input bits passed to the call method. The bits are scrambled using another set of bits randomly generated using a seed. This seed is calculated using the parameters passed as input the constructor. The first variable purpose defines the physical channel for whom scrambling is performed and *args accepts variable inputs with different understanding based on the purpose.

  • purpose (str) – Defines the physical channel for which the scrambling is being performed. It can take 6 values currently {“PBCH-1”, “PDCCH”, “PDSCH”, “PBCH-2”, “PSBCH”, “PSCCH”}.

  • *args – Its a Variable length argument list which accepts values based on the parameter purpose.

    If purpose == “PBCH-1”:
    • arg[0] is N_cell_ID (int) - physical cell ID \(N_{ID}^{cell} \in \{0,1,...,1007\}\)

    • arg[1] is Lmax (int) - maximum number of candidate SS/PBCH blocks in a half frame (\(L_{max}\)), \(\in \{4, 8, 64\}\).

    If purpose == “PBCH-2”:
    • arg[0] is N_cell_ID (int) - physical cell ID \(N_{ID}^{cell} \in \{0,1,...,1007\}\)

    • arg[1] is Lmax (int) - maximum number of candidate SS/PBCH blocks in a half frame (\(L_{max}\)), :math:`in {4, 8, 64}.

    • arg[2] is ssbIndex (int or Numpy array, - It is the index pointing towards the SS/PBCH Block and must be lesser than (\(L_{max}\))

    If purpose == “PDCCH”:
    • arg[0] is rnti (int or NumPy array, - It defines the radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) \(\in \{1,2,..,65519\}\).

    • arg[1] is id (int) - It is defined by pdcch-DMRS-ScramblingID \(\in \{0,1,2,..,65535\}\).

    If purpose == “PSCCH”:
    • No arguments required

    If purpose == “PDSCH”:
    • arg[0] is rnti (int or NumPy array, - It defines the radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) \(\in \{1,2,..,65519\}\).

    • arg[1] is q (int or NumPy array, - It defines codeword index \(\in \{0,1\}\).

    • arg[2] is nID (int or NumPy array, - It defines dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH(2), \(\text{n}_{\text{ID}} \in \{0,1,2,..,65535\}\).

    If purpose == “PSBCH”:

    -arg[0] is N_cell_ID (int) - Physical-layer sidelink synchronization identity. \(N_{ID}^{cell} \in \{0,1,...,671\}\).


The array parameters passed to constructor must have equal lengths.


[…, length], np.int8 – Input sequence


[…, length], np.int8 – scrambled sequence.


For PBCH, the length must be 32.

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: Invalid choice for purpose!n Valid inputs are “”PBCH-1””, “”PDCCH””, “”PBCH-2””, “”PSBCH””, “”PSCCH”” and, “”PDSCH””

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: inBits must be an NumPy integer array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: Number of MIB bits must be 32 only!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: rnti in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be an integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: rnti in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be +ve integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: q ‘(codeword-Index)’ in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be an integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: q ‘(codeword-Index)’ in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be +ve integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: q ‘(codeword-Index)’ in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be have size same as ‘rnti’!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: nID in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be an integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: nID in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be +ve integer/array!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: nID in PD(S|C)CH scramber must be have size same as ‘rnti’!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: rnti in pdcch scramber must be +ve integer!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: id in pdcch scramber must be +ve integer!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: Lmax in pdcch scramber must be +ve integer!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: ssbIndex in scrambler must be lesser than (\(L_{max}\))!

  • ValueError – [Error-Scrambler]: A ‘size of payload’ in pdcch scramber must be +ve integer!

property Lmax

Defines the maximum number of candidate SS/PBCH blocks in a half frame (\(L_{max}\)), \(\in \{4, 8, 64\}\).

property c_init

Defines the seed used for generating the random variables for scrambling.

property id

Defines the pdcch-DMRS-ScramblingID \(\in \{0,1,2,..,65535\}\).

property mu

\({\nu}\) is internally calculated for scrambling PBCH-2.

property nID

Defines dataScramblingIdentityPDSCH(2), \(\text{n}_{\text{ID}} \in \{0,1,2,..,65535\}\).

property purpose

Defines the physical channel for which the scrambling is being performed. It can take 4 values currently {“PBCH”, “PDCCH”, “PDSCH”}.

property q

Defines codeword index \(\in \{0,1\}\).

property rnti

Defines the radio network temporary identifier (RNTI) \(\in \{1,2,..,65519\}\).

property ssbIndex

Defines the maximum number of candidate SS/PBCH blocks in a half frame (\(L_{max}\)), \(\in \{4, 8, 64\}\).


3GPP TS 38.211 “Physical channels and modulation (Release 17)”, V17.1.0 (2022-03).