Sequence Generation

In this example,
  • interlacedTransmission - Interlaced Transmission is disabled

  • pucch_ResourceCommon - Common resource configuration

  • intraSlotFreqHopping - Disabling Intra Slot Frequency Hopping

  • pucch_GroupHopping - Disabling Group Hopping

pucch_ResourceCommon    = True #Selecting the resource set
interlacedTransmission  = False #Enabling/Disabling the Interlaced Transmission
intraSlotFreqHopping    = False #Enabling/Disabling the Intra Slot Frequency Hopping
slotNumber              = 2 #Slot Number
nID                     = 157 #Hopping ID
pucch_GroupHopping      = 'Neither' #Enabling/Disabling the Group or/and Sequence Hopping
m_CS                    = np.array([0]) #Cyclic Shift Offset based on the information content
initialCycShift         = None #Initial Cyclic Shift
numofSymbols            = None #Number of Symbols
symbolIndex_start       = None #Starting Symbol Index
indexPUCCH              = 7 #Index of the resource set, if Common resource configuration is enabled
numInterlacedRBs        = None #Number of Interlaced Resource Blocks

if interlacedTransmission == True: #if Interlaced Transmission is enabled
   nHop = 0 # frequency hopping is disabled
   Format1_Sequence  = np.zeros((numBatches, numInterlacedRBs, 12)).astype(complex)
   Format1_SeqGenobj = PUCCHFormat1Sequence(pucch_ResourceCommon, intraSlotFreqHopping, interlacedTransmission) #PUCCH Format 1 Sequence Generation Object
   Format1_Seq       = Format1_SeqGenobj(m_CS, nID, slotNumber, nHop, pucch_GroupHopping, symb, symbolIndex_start, numofSymbols, initialCycShift, indexPUCCH, numInterlacedRBs) #Generates Format 1 sequence
   Sequence  = Format1_Seq
else: #if Interlaced Transmission is enabled
   hoppingRefVar     = 1 if intraSlotFreqHopping == False else 2
   Format1_Sequence  = np.zeros((numBatches, 1, 12 * hoppingRefVar)).astype(complex) # number of hops = 2 (0, 1)---> Specific sequence based on group hopping

   nHop              = 0 # if frequency hopping is enabled/disabled, first hop frequency hopping index if enabled
   Format1_SeqGenobj = PUCCHFormat1Sequence(pucch_ResourceCommon, intraSlotFreqHopping, interlacedTransmission) #PUCCH Format 1 Sequence Generation Object
   Format1_Seq       = Format1_SeqGenobj(m_CS, nID, slotNumber, nHop, pucch_GroupHopping, symb, symbolIndex_start, numofSymbols, initialCycShift, indexPUCCH, numInterlacedRBs) #Generates Format 1 sequence
   Format1_Sequence[..., 0:12] = Format1_Seq
      if intraSlotFreqHopping == True:
          nHop              = 1 # if frequency hopping is enabled, second hop frequency hopping index
          Format1_SeqGenobj = PUCCHFormat1Sequence(pucch_ResourceCommon, intraSlotFreqHopping, interlacedTransmission) #PUCCH Format 1 Sequence Generation Object
          Format1_Seq       = Format1_SeqGenobj(m_CS, nID, slotNumber, nHop, pucch_GroupHopping, symb, symbolIndex_start, numofSymbols, initialCycShift, indexPUCCH, numInterlacedRBs) #Generates Format 1 sequence
          Format1_Sequence[..., 12:] = Format1_Seq
class toolkit5G.SequenceGeneration.PUCCHFormat1Sequence(pucch_ResourceCommon=False, intraSlotFreqHopping=False, interlacedTransmission=False, numRBs=1, maxNumPRBs=275)[source]

This class ‘PUCCH_format1_seqGeneration’ generates the sequence for PUCCH Format 1 which is Number of user equipments, symbol , Interlaced Resource Block dependent.

PUCCH Format 1 uses Low PAPR Sequence Type 1 with group hopping and sequence Hopping.

The number of Bandwidth Part(BWP) considered is 1.

The maximum number of Physical Resource Blocks(PRBs) allocated is 1.

The maximum number of symbols allocated is from 4 to 14.

If PUCCH Format 1 is used prior to the allocation of dedicated PUCCH resource, it avail the resource information from the common resource configuration provided by the System Information Block 1 based on the index provided.

If PUCCH Format 1 uses common resource configuration for resource allocation, the ‘Intra Slot Frequency Hopping’ is always enabled.

But, if PUCCH Format 1 uses dedicated resource set for transmission, then the ‘Intra Slot Frequency Hopping’ can either be enabled or disabled.

The interlaced based transmission can either be enabled or disabled within a BWP. The number of Interlaced Resource Blocks can be either 10 or 11.

There is always 1 sequence within each group and so, the same sequence will always be selected in case of PUCCH Format 1. And so, the Sequence number is always 0.

The Sequence Length for PUCCH Format 0 is 12.

It is then multiplied with the transmission symbols.

  • intraSlotFreqHopping (bool) – The parameter ‘intraSlotFreqHopping’ indicates whether the Intra Slot Frequency Hopping is enabled/disabled. By default it is disabled.

  • interlacedTransmission (bool) – The parameter ‘interlacedTransmission’ indicates whether Interlaced based transmission is either enabled or disabled. By default it is disabled.

  • pucch_ResourceCommon (bool) – The parameter ‘pucch_ResourceCommon’ indicates whether PUCCH Format 0 uses common resource configuration or dedicated resource set for resource allocation. By default it is set that PUCCH Format 0 is used after dedicated resource allocation

  • numRBs (int) – The parameter ‘numRBs’ is the number of PRBs allocated and it is initialised with 1

  • maxNumPRBs (int) – This parameter indicates maximum number of Physical Resource Blocks considered within a Bandwidth Part. It is initialised with 275, considering 275 Physical Resource Blocks within a BandwidthPart. It takes the positive scalar or numpy integer.

  • inputSymb (numpy array, np.complex) – An array of size, […, \(\text{N}_\text{symb}\)] where \(\text{N}_\text{symb}\) is the number modulated symbols

  • m_CS (numpy array of integer(s)) – This parameter denotes the cyclic shift offset based on the information content. It can take numpy array containing positive integer value(s).

  • nID (int) – Hopping ID ranging from 0 to 1023. This takes integer.

  • slotNumber (int) – It is the slot number allocated. It takes the value (integer) beteen 0 and 10.

  • nHop (int) – Frequency Hopping Index. Format 1 considers two hops. So, it takes value either 0 or 1 based on first hop or second hop respectively. This takes an integer.

  • pucch_GroupHopping (str) –

    This parameter defines whether group hopping and sequence hopping has been enabled. Possible input it can take is ‘neither’, ‘enable’, ‘disable’.

    ‘neither’ - The value of ‘neither’ is used to signal that there is no group hopping nor sequence hopping.

    ‘enable’ - The value of ‘enable’ is used to enable group hopping and disable sequence hopping.

    ‘disable’ - The value of ‘disable’ is used to disable group hopping and enable sequence hopping.

  • start_SymbIndex (int) – The parameter ‘symbolIndex_start’ indicates the starting symbol index. It can take a integer. Taking into consideration that maximum of 14 symbols within a slot, it can take values between 0 and 13. It can be either provided by dedicated resource set or common resource configuration and so it is initialised with None.

  • numberOfSymb (int) – The parameter ‘numberOfSymb’ is the number of Symbols allocated. Maximum of 2 symbols per slot can be allocated. It takes only positive scalar or numpy integer. It can be either provided by dedicated resource set or common resource configuration and so it is initialised with None.

  • initial_CyclicShift (int) – The parameter ‘initial_CyclicShift’ denotes the Initial Cyclic Shift. It can take values between 0 and 11. The values should be an integer. It can be either provided by dedicated resource set or common resource configuration and so it is initialised with None.

  • indexPUCCH (int) – The parameter ‘indexPUCCH’ is the resource index to indicate the resource in case of resource allocation by common resource configuration. It can be either provided by dedicated resource set or common resource configuration and so it is initialised with None.

  • numInterlacedRBs (int) – The parameter ‘numInterlacedRBs’ is the Number of Interlaced Resource Blocks. It can take positive integer value. It can be either provided by dedicated resource set or common resource configuration and so it is initialised with None.


numpy ndarray, np.complex – Array of size, […, numInterlacedRBs/numRBs, 12 * \(\text{z}\)]

If interlaced based transmission is enabled, numInterlacedRBs number of sequences are generated. Else, numRBs number of sequences are generated. 12 corresponds to the sequence length. And \(\text{z}\) can be 1 or 2 based on disabling or enabling intraslot frequency hopping respectively.



If numRBs is not a integer type

If maxNumPRBs is not an integer

If numberOfSymb is not of type integer

If initial_CyclicShift is not a scalar or numpy integer

If m_CS is not a numpy array of integer

If start_SymbIndex is not a scalar or numpy integer

If numInterlacedRBs is not a scalar or numpy integer

If nID is not type scalar or numpy array of integer

If slotNumber is not type scalar or array of integer

If pucch_GroupHopping is not of data type string

If indexPUCCH is not of type integer

If nHop is not of type integer


If indexPUCCH is not between 3 and 15

If numRBs is not equal to 1

If numberOfSymb is not between 1 and 14. Also, if numberOfSymb plus start_SymbIndex > 14

If initial_CyclicShift is not between 0 and 11

If m_CS is not ‘0’

If start_SymbIndex is not between 0 and 13

If nID is not between 0 and 1023

If slotNumber is not between 0 and 10

If numInterlacedRBs is not equal to 10 or 11

If pucch_GroupHopping doesn’t contain valid information.

If nHop is 0 or 1. Also, if intraSlotFreqHopping is disabled, it is always 0.

property indexPUCCH

This parameter is used to select the resource from the common resource configuration provided by SIB1

property initial_CyclicShift

Initial Cyclic Shift. Takes values bwtween 0 and 11.

property m_CS

Cyclic shift offset based on the information to be transmitted

property maxNumPRBs

Maximum number of Physical Resource Blocks within a Bandwidth Part

property nHop

Frequency Hopping Index

property nID

Hopping ID - Higher Layer Parameter. Takes values between 0 and 1023

property numInterlacedRBs

Number of Interlaced Resource Blocks allocated

property numRBs

Number of Physical Resource Blocks allocated

property numberOfSymb

Number of OFDM Symbols allocated. 4 to 14 symbols can be allocated within a slot

property pucch_GroupHopping

Group Hopping and Sequence Hopping Information

property slotNumber

Slot Number with a Radio frame consisting of 10 slots

property start_SymbIndex

Starting Symbol Index within the slot


[1]. (3GPP TS 38.211 version 17.1.0 Release 17) 5G;NR;Physical channels and modulation ‘5.2.2 Low-PAPR sequence generation type 1’

[2]. (3GPP TS 38.211 version 17.1.0 Release 17) 5G;NR;Physical channels and modulation ‘ PUCCH Format 1’

[3]. (3GPP TS 38.213 version 16.5.0 Release 16) 5G;NR;Physical layer procedures for control ‘ 9.2.1 PUCCH Resource Sets’

[4]. Book - 5G NR in Bullets, Edition 1