Install 5G Toolkit

This page takes the user through the complete process of installing all the packages to the point where they can use the 5G toolkit easily in a Jupyter Notebook.

System Requirements:






>= 3.7.4 and < 3.12


The users with any other operating system and architecture can request the package at We will create a new package for the requested configurations and provide installation procedure on this page itself.

Dependent Libraries




> 1.16




> 3.4


<=0.13 (For version 0.14 LLVM may create problem)


If you have Python environment and working Python IDE setup on your system, you can skip the initial step and directly jump to Install 5G Toolkit step.

Install Miniconda

If Anaconda is already installed on your system, then you can skip this step. The following instructions install the Miniconda which is a lighter version of Anaconda. First we will download miniconda using the command:


Please install the latest version of the installer from this link . Following links might be outdated.

Lets start by updating the system:

sudo apt-get update

Open the terminal, (Shortcut CTRL+ALT+T) and execute the following command in it:


Followed by, installing miniconda using the downloaded package.


Once the installation is completed, we can check the version installed Conda on our system.

conda --v

Now, we will use conda to create a new environment for python 3.11 (this command will automatically install python 3.11 in the target environment):

conda create -n gigayasa python==3.11

Finally, we will activate the created environment by executing

conda activate gigayasa


We will install everything from further now in this environment only.

Install Jupyter Notebook

Install Jupyter for interactive scripting in Python. Execute the following command in the terminal in the created environment.

pip install Jupyter

Install 5G Toolkit

Finally, we are ready to install 5G Toolkit:

pip install --no-cache-dir

To confirm installation of the library, you can check the installation library:

pip show toolkit5G
Expand to understand the command template

The template command for installation is given below:


Final Confirmation

The installation will be truly successful if we are able to import the toolkit5G packages. We can verify it using Jupyter Notebook, open the jupyter notebook using following command in your browser.

Create a new jupyter notebook and run the following lines of code:

import toolkit5G as tk

The toolkit is successfully installed if it shows the toolkit5G version as shown below.


Otherwise, something went wrong. If it shows “License Error”, then you will have to activate the License. But still if you are struggling please email us at any of the following emails:




We will be more than happy to help you in installation.

License 5G Toolkit

The 5G toolkit requires an active license for usage. The new users can request a one month trial license for 5G Toolkit through this link Request Trial. Furthermore, you can purchase an annual or perpetual license Purchase License.

Activate the 5G Toolkit License

  1. Download the Central-Hub shared with you over the email.

  2. Unzip and run the executable file.

  3. Once the installation is complete, open the Central-Hub from your applications.

  4. Login if you have the Gigayasa account, otherwise:

  1. Create an account with Gigayasa.

  2. Verify your email

  3. Log into the Central-Hub.

  1. Now fetch the License key shared with you over the email.

  2. Activate your License.

  3. If activation is successful, please close the Central-Hub.

  4. You are good to go please open the jupyter Notebook and try to “import toolkit5G as tk”

Installation Tutorial: Video