1. Introduction to ADALM-Pluto SDR and its application programming interface
Time: 90 min (video: 15 min + Chapter: 45 min + Code: 30 min)
Welcome to the hands-on laboratory course on 5G wireless systems. In this course, we’ll introduce the audience to practical aspects of 5G systems using the 5G toolkit and software-defined radios (SDRs). We’ll mainly use the ADALM-Pluto SDR because it’s widely available, cost-effective, and easy to use. However, you can use any other SDR you have, as long as it supports the Python APIs. These APIs will help transmit the I/Q samples of 5G signals and information generated by the 5G Toolkit to the radio unit of the SDRs for analog processing. After processing, the signal will be transmitted over the wireless channel using antennas.